Monday, January 6, 2014


Sunderblogger.080 Subject: Mind Made Scale Duality divides. Oneness unites. When we think, we divide ourselves. Thought creates a duality or division- by a `mind made scale` for measurement of good or bad, pain and pleasures, more or less; virtue or vice. Thought varies with time, space individual and object. It creates diverse situations and options. Each person often led to “KARMA” by invisible thought force that drops from the Universal Reservoir of Un-known or Universal thought and karma projects I-ness as distinct from Oneness. In domain of bodies and flesh, Karmic debits and credits accrue. This apparently symbolizes God-human relationship as a balance sheet. In affairs of body, mind, soul, Nature, time and space, balance sheet cannot be annualized. Settlement of `Karmic` credit an debits of past lives-that may be good or bad- can be done through retribution [payback] in subsequent life forms or when debit waived. Good thoughts or `Karma`, from spiritual point of view, take consciousness inward and upward. Negative thoughts or bad `Karmas` have tendency to pull mind downward and outward. This is the broad distinction for determining what is `good` or `bad`. Our own good Karmas and medication may create conditions for that Oneness. But `primordial sin` or separation is forgiven, when Divine act of mercy takes place. Call it grace, or by any other name. It is then that `Karmic` debits and credits are wiped out relationship with flesh finishes, duality dies and Oneness attained. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani

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