Death is powerless before the person who has depth of feeling for life. You must have come cross people who are not afraid of death, and they are from different walks of life. They include those in public life [like Gandhi, Anna Hazare], householders and also convicted criminals. They seem to be ready for the ultimate act without feeling any remorse. But can we say that death is powerless before them and that they have depth in them as evidence of this? Perhaps not. Perhaps they are being seen as the strongest of people who have depth of knowledge that enables them to encounter death without fear.
The nearest that you can get to death is to be with the dying and experience the trauma or otherwise, so as to feel the experience as best as possible, without actually dying- and this might help increase your depth of knowledge of death. Once you understand death and are ready that you feel life to the fullest which in itself increases your depth of life.
Only when you feel death can you feel life, which opens the sublime qualities of intelligence, fearlessness, wisdom, love, happiness, joy, creativity, expression, truthfulness and life itself.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T