Wednesday, January 8, 2014


subject: Corruption vs inefficiency In India, more than corruption, it`s gross inefficiency that is the biggest problem. Corruption is only part of the cause of our failures on all these and other fronts. the other,if not major, reason for Indian being unable to get things done is our genius for bungling, for getting things wrong instead of getting them right. India has a lesson to learn from China and Thailand; be corrupt if your must, but with it be efficient; take the money, but deliver the goods. India`s biggest bane is not corruption, it is not that people in power steal money; it is that those who steal our money seem incabable of accormlishing anything- from building a user friendly highway to eliminating poverty through subsidies and other schemes. Arvind Kejriwal`s AAP has risen like a desi avatar of St George to battle the dragan of corruption. But it might have an even bigger ogre to combat in the form of system ineptitude which just can`t make things work. That`s the real job cut out for AAP. Will it be able to get job done? ref. Kind Regards! Sunder T