Sunday, January 19, 2014


[continueing as no. 117 - Indian home is quite a typical home. When luch or dinner is to be prepared the situation is farce. The head of the house is in despair. Finally, after much argumentation, a compromise is reached, which in the end pleases no one. But that is not all: one sone will turn up at eight 0`clock and ask for a hot meal; another will arrive long, past midnight, wake the snoring cook, and order his food. It is is not only the menfolk who act in this way but the girls as well; each of them feels hungry at a different time. No consideration whatsoever is shown to the servant, who is in charge of the kitchen; he has to sit in fornt of braziers or gas stoves from early morning to very late in the night. Oftern a spoiled chil will request for something, and then, when dish is brought before him, change his mind and ask for a different fare. [The next will continue as no. 118] Kind Regards! - Sunder T