Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Sunderblogger.185 Seriousness is a disease, but seriousness has been praised, respected, honored. It was absolutely essential to be serious to be saint; hence only people who were incapable of laughter become interested in religion. And people who are incapable of laughter are not human yet- what to say about their being divine? That is impossible- they have not yet become human. Hence I have tremendous respect for the sense of humor; for laughter. Laughter is far more sacred that prayer, because prayer can be done by any one, It does not require much intelligence, Laughter requires intelligence. It requires presence of mind, a quickness of seeing into things. A joke cannot be explained; either you understand it or you miss it. If it is explained it loses the whole point; hence no joke can be explained. You get it immediately or you can try to find out the meaning of it; you will find out the meaning, but the joke will not be there. It was in the immediacy. Regards Sunder Thadani