Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Sunderblogger.143 we are never without an identity. In the system we are living there are set patterns of life. Doctor, master genius, this, that …. You are choosing your identity, so good, choose any identity, have full faith in that. If you feel like you are an artist then be an artist then be an artist, never doubt your identity. Ninety percent of people have identity but no faith in their identity, and they confuse themselves and have a miserable life. We should have courage to break the system and discover a new identity in which we have faith. Then you can create better possibilities for life. Everything is in your hands; you have to decide what you want. First of all understand your life, value it and then make your life useful, purposeful. If the definition of your life is limited your life will always be limited, if your definition of life is vaster, without boundaries or frames then you can live without limit. Every day, write you definition of life and in a few days that will give you a complete picture of you, you can check your frame-or whether your picture is frameless. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani