it is said that if a man speaks truth uninterruptedly for 12 years, whatever he speaks thereafter will come true. The saying, at once, reveals the power of truth as also the difficulty of remaining conscious of truth consistently for any length of time.
Theoretically speaking, truth should be a simple task as the most natural thing to do. Truth about oneself is always self-evident. Our thoughts and feelings, fears and aspirations, likes and dislikes are known to us and yet, we hardly express ourselves fully and truthfully. Instead, we battle with our conscience, concoct stories and manipulate our expressions to camouflages our thoughts and true feelings. We choose the hard option drive by all sorts of fears; fear of being found out, of rejection, of losing honor, status and image. As long as the veneer lasts I is fine but the foundation underneath remains ever brittle and shaky.
Truth is immortal. A shadow of lie can temporarily dim its illumination but only in passing. Lies, however, have a limited life and need to continuously breed and proliferate to keep up the presence of constancy. Truth is lie fresh water, cleansing the mind of sensory debris like desire, hatred, greed, jealousy, envy and animosity. Pursuing truth in thought and action, the mind attains a state of tranquility and starts mirroring the truth of people, objects, events and situations well beyond constraints of time and space.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T