Friday, January 10, 2014


The English surf suffered for about eight undred years from 1066 to 1833; his brother in India has groaned for thousand of years and still continues to groan. The point is, such has been the pressure of metaphysical scoundrelism that the victims have always accepted their lot as a devine dispensation. India`s social organization was veritabel nest of hornets. It stung everybody without benefiting itself in any way. The Braminis thought that by keeping all others in ignorance, in matters spritual and intellectual, they would be the sole beneficiaries of the rights and perquisities conferred by society. While, for a period, they did enjoy these benefits, they have in the long run proved to be their own and India`s worst enemies. the fact that the vast masses deliberately kept without light soon darkened their own minds. There was no stimulus to keep up to the mark or to take a leap forward. The noton of "chalega or it will do" crept in and rotted everything. Kind Regards! Sunder T