Friday, January 17, 2014


[continueing as no.114] Labour movements existed in the West and their chief aim is to secure for workers adequate wages and continous employment, which alone can improve their standard of living. This idea is unknown to Indian working classes. These men can either be ground down or made to demand imposssible terms. They just do not understand their own interests, nor di they have any ambition to plan for a life-long prosperty. Indian, not excluding the educated, are branded with the iron of selfishness. Even our elite are not free from it. Where is our thinkers or artist who is pleased at the success of his rival or clolleague? As for working for the food of all, that is not to be dreamed of. Every one of our intellectuals thinks that he is the only intellectual in India. the others, they can`t be any good, can they? Perhaps it is this thirst for infinity that has made Indians seek the Absolute. It is Indian fate to from darkness into greater darkness. [next will continue as no. 115] Kind Regards! Sunder T