Knowledge comes from the past. It has to be translated currently into action. Thoughts and ideas must be transformed into deeds.
Your motto in life should be to strive, to struggle, not to succeed. Work well accomplished, is the joy of life. Success or failure is immaterial. What really matters is your ability to adopt action to obligation. Your business lies in action alone, not in the reward accruing from it. Don’t let your anxiety to enjoy the fruit disturb the course of your action.
Work without attachment and craving in worship. That is the principle of renunciation. Why do you need motives for work? Work itself is most rewarding, entertaining and blissful. Employ this simple principle of work in practical life. The wide world becomes one divine chant. When you thus begin to work in a spirit of renunciation, the world returns your courtesy. Wealth and prosperity are at your door.
The world will go on. Nevertheless, you must perform you your work. You ought to take to work as a prince takes to sport-not as drudgery or burden. Your life is one big game, full of fun and frolic. The most laborious undertaking pursued in the right spirit is found to be all play; intense work undertaken thus is no work at all. That should be your attitude to work.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani