Monday, January 20, 2014


In India, things become more complicated when the family is rich or aritocract; then each member of it, male or female, will want more amenities at more erratic hours. One girl, attending a college, will order the car, say, three o`clock and go off without consultingany one; her sister, having an appointment at a later hour, will commandeer another car, if there is a spare one, and make off, or stand on the verandah, fretting and fuming. when the chaufferur returns, he will receive a dressing down because he was not to be found when wanted. The man expalins that he had no alternative but to obey the instructions of her senior, who as everyone knew, had a prior right to most things. In the evening there is a first class row, in which all join, and at last the principle of romogeniture is once again established. Kind Regards! Sunder T - [next will continue as no. 119]