Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Sunderblogger.201 Lokpal bill has kindled hopes of curbing graft, but more needs to be done to banish the menace of Corruption. Nothing emboldens the corrupt more than the belief that there will be negligible or no consequences for their corrupt behavior. The Lokpal will, hopefully, contribute in some measures to create the nexus between crime and punishment. The following steps are necessary. (1) Reform of funding and financial accountability of political parties. (2) A systematic increase in the neutral intervention of technology into as many as possible where the common man has to deal with government. (3) Finalization of model legal framework ensuring transparency and fair play in all transactions relating to the disposal and acquisition of national resources and government procurement processes. (4) Instituting deterrent action in a time bound and exemplary manner for all acts of corruption, which in turn, presupposes substantive judicial reforms. The seed of corruption is the link between Politian’s and political parties and unaccounted money. Anna Hazare has taught us that public pressure is a potent weapon in compelling reform. The onus to put that pressure lies on the people of India. Kind Regards! Sunder T