Tuesday, January 14, 2014

sunderblogge.blogspot. india_withoutmakeup.111

Indian profiteers, who merely accumulate wealth irrespective of social consequesces, will one day end up like our friend the medieval bishop. They are frantically digging their own graves. The folly and cupidity of some of Indians are staggering. During the much-talked-of Bengal famine, when horror piled upon horror, and children could be seen in the streets with emaciated faces and bloated bellies, oftern picking up bits of food from the rubbish heaps or dustbins, grain lay in huge quantities in godowns and could be had at a price. The whole thing was blamed on to the British, but not a word was said about our own dear delightful bakckmarketeers. And then to make the sombre picture still more ghastly, at that difficult time the big hotels in Mumbai, Bengal. Delhi gave for one meal encough food to satisfy the hunger of four ment. Even now, while some have not enough to eat, others waste enormous quantities of food. [next will continue as no. 112] Kind Regards! Sunder T