Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Sunderbloger.166 Work on Bringing Balance to your life. Work-life balance is one the most misunderstood concept in our pressure-laden times. Balance means finding that optimum point where the person working in a perfect condition, in perfect harmony with his environment. Balance does not mean giving equal priority to everything. Often, people working wrongly believe that a work-life balance means dividing their time equally between work and family. Its fallacy is evident in the dissatisfaction people feel despite efforts at that `misunderstood` balance. The answer to work-life balance is not in balancing one`s work with one`s family, for that simply means more work; it means balancing one`s work with one`s life. Your life includes you, your health, spiritual evolution, mental vigor, attitude and tenacity social presence, friends AND your family. This sudden expansion in your life can be a shock and lead you to spin on all these factors. Let me tell you a secret; you don`t have to work at the balance, the balance work at you. You will be amazed that we all have an inherent mechanism that warns us when our life is going off balance. Make no comprises on your health or your body will make you a slave. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani