Are you in conflict with the people you love most? Do you experience incredible highs followed by invariable lows in your relationships? Have the days of wine in and roses become days of wine and neuroses?
Love tainted with selfishness is `attachment`; it is only about you. You expect a return for your affection, tangible or intangible. You feel insecure, vulnerable and threatened. Your expectations never seem to be met with. The more people do for you, the more you want. The relationship thus becomes conflict-ridden. In the end, it breaks down and you lose the person.
Expand you mind. Get attached to a wider circle of people-community, nation, and humanity. Work for local civil society, for the welfare of the world. As you get attached to the higher you get detached from the lower. True love is born and your relationships become free from the endless strife that prevails now.
In order to fill the haunting sense of emptiness in your life you depend on people for your happiness. Thus the starting point is faulty. Only when you are happy within can you establish meaningful relationships with others. It is absurd to depend on others to fill the void. You do not need anyone to make you happy. Gain knowledge of your fulfilled state.
Love others for what they are, the good as well as the bad. Understand that people behave according to their nature.
Look at others as part of yourself and you will focus on their best qualities. You will see opponents as partners, competitors as comrades. You will celebrate others` victory as if it were your own.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani