Tuesday, January 14, 2014

sunderblogger: india_withoutmakeup.109

India has a peculiar set up. Each Indian likes to play lone wolf, hoping to keep all the profits to himself, he refuses to work with others, even when he realizes that by so doing he could turn a losing proposition into a paying one. He believes in all for himself or nothing. This is the basic reason why parnerships in India are never a success. Because of such mentality the concept of a joint-stock company did not germinate in India economic thinking. Even today it has not fully taken root. Indian workers are no less self-centered that our other classes. They live and toil for the day. Excellent craftsmen many of them are, but they do not believe in producing anything with sustained offort, nor do they maintain the same standard which might procure for them steady orders. Indians are thus their own destroyers, because they work entirely for personal, immediate interessts; their prosperity is not uniform, and they don`t look to the future or to the future of their trade. If Indian merchants and industrialists realized the value of co-operation they would make more money and with greater safety. In this way they would not only enrich themselves but also others, which would a reassurance of their own prosperity. As they have failed to appreciate this, their wealth does not stand on secure foundations. [Next will continue as no. 110] Kind Regards! TheSunderkt