Friday, January 10, 2014


The "chalega ie. anything goes" is the curse of India; it is the mortal enemy of efficiency, tneterprise, pride in one`s handiwork. It is putting the seal of approval on ineptitude. The Kshatriyas, builders of political power in India, tried tomonopolize the chief arm of the state- the army. They were so zealous of the privilage that they did not allow others to join their ranks. The result of the pernicious attitude was that the clannish armies were neither strong enough nor numerous enough nor united enought to withstand a determined invader. Their loyalties were not to the country but to some given individuals. We can now understand why, in so mnay Indian wars, the army fled when the leader was killded or taken prisoner. Thus, in our social set-up, the concept of a citizen army could not take root. It is one of the greatest contributions of British rule in India that we have now armed forces that owe allegiance not to this or that person but solely to the state. Kind Regards! Sunder T