Thursday, January 16, 2014


contiueing as no. 113- An elderly woman, lean and dark as a crow`s feather, stepped forward and, falling on her knnes, said: "We have nowhere to go and nothing to eat. Please help us, please, please." Here the Minister detached himself, shifted from one foot to another, and thus spoke: "You people are lazy. Why don`t you do something off your own bat? Why must you always wait for the Government to help you? However, U`ll see to it that you get some food and mateal to construct new huts." All the officials climbed into their cars and returned to the Minister`s house, where a banquet had been arranged for the evening. What was amazing not that we had a sumptuous meal, over which no one spoke of the plight of the victims of the flood, but that none of those who suffered rebelled. They just took their lot for granted. One day in the most distant furture the Indian under-dogs will revolt. There are signs thatthey are beginning to be conscious that something is readically wrong somewhere. When they come to a full realization of theri position, that theri ills are mostly man-made, they will begin to smash up everything. At present all is not quite on the Indian front; there is no thunder as yet but an immense rumbling. [next will continue as no. 114] Kind Regards1 Sunder T