Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Sunderblogger.158 everything is created by your mind, by yourself. What exists in your mind is what you created around you. If there is fear in your mind, there will be fear everywhere around you. If there are enemies in your mind, there will be enemies everywhere around you. It`s all in your mind. When we are born, our teacher is born with us. The teacher means my learning nature. The human body is a seed, and inside it the Divine is implanted. If life is in the hands of good forces, they will make your heart bigger, your mind bigger, everything will get enlarged metaphorically… your consciousness, thinking, feeling, emotions. Vastness will come. If you are in the hands of forces that are reducing your life, like jealousy, hatred, negativity, narrowness, selfishness and greed, then you are on the opposite side. What you face and owe you face it is in your hands. Kind Regards! Sunder Thadani