Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Sunderblogger.156 As human beings, according to our inborn qualities, we are complete beings. But we are dependent on two external influences; nature and society. From one major point of view, we depend complete upon nature. Water, sunlight, oxygen, food, all parts of the life-support system is supplied by nature. We cannot afford to disassociate ourselves from these natural resources. Living in a society means living with constant challenges. This perturbs people and they become individualists. But this kind of individualism is little more than escapism. Differences could be a boon, for if everyone thinks alike, no one thinks very much. So difference means diversity just like different trees enhance the beauty of a garden. We cannot afford to live in a cocoon. For the larva living in a cocoon, it is a life before an impending transformation but for us human beings, it is no less than death. Social living means living through experiences, meeting challenges, learning lessons, teaching and learning. Society is like a living university. One who tries to go against society will commit social suicide. No one can afford to opt for either natural suicide. No one can afford to opt for either natural suicide or social suicide. Therefore, complaint is a futile exercise. Adjustment to achieve mutual benefit is the only possible formula. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani