Monday, January 6, 2014


Sunderblogger.079 Fear has many names like dread, worry, panic, anxiety, and it manifests itself in varied ways as in avoidance, procrastination, perfectionism, judgment, control, agitation and violence. Fear usually prevents us from living up to our true potential. Whether we are afraid of the dark, of being abandoned, failure, commitment, flying or public speaking, fear can affect nearly every decision we make. Fear is part of the problem, sometimes fear is the problem- but when are really paying attention, fear is usually part of the solution. We easily forget that fear is an essential part of our nature; an alarm system there to get out attention, to push us out of harm`s way. We need to learn to distinguish between unhealthy or neurotic fear that holds us back, and healthy fear that helps us to move on. Unhealthy fear is persistent, exaggerating and even inventing potential dangers; healthy fear stands guard responsibly informing us immediately of real danger. It is only through facing, exploring, accepting and responding to fear that we free ourselves from its paralyzing grip. If befriending or embracing our fear seems too much, then as a first step, one can simply acknowledge it. Best Wishes, Sunder Thadani

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