Monday, January 6, 2014


Sunderblogger.049 In the ICE (information, communication, and entertainment) age, life is characterized by stiff competition. The anxiety to keep ahead in the rat race and the urge to garner material benefits is ripping us apart. Relationships have taken a beating and marriage is losing its sheen. From a marriage of convenience it has now transformed into a game of compromises. Giving each other space, understanding work cultures and the pressure that comes along, sharing domestic responsibilities top the list. Partners need to have faith in each other, shed their egos and be ready to talk things out instead of fighting. Practicality is the word. Along with an easy-going attitude, there should be the zeal to support their respective families. It is necessary to draw the demarcating line between personal and professional lives. Being supportive of each other regarding professional decisions, coming up with suggestion but not imposing upon the partner are important for a successful marriage. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani.