Monday, January 6, 2014


Sunderblogger.048 it is feeding the inner world wherein in each one us a `sage` dwells. Once connected to this sage our decisions are taken from deep within and we no longer need approval of others. A peaceful life is essentially a simple one and hence effortless. The sheer simplicity of peaceful life is a magnet that attracts, for deep within we identify with it. To be simple is not something external; we have to become simple and natural from within, be open to our own 1internal self1, and perform actions knowing where they are leading to. One has to consciously bring about this change, as “to change externally is just a cosmetic change; it is feeding the inner world wherein in each one us a `sage` dwells. Once connected to this sage our decisions are taken from deep within and we no longer need approval of others. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani