Saturday, January 4, 2014


no.101 - The way Indians have exploited the cow has influenced them in many more ways than they realized. The want milk without feeding her. the moment she is dry they utterly neglect her. In the countryside she is let loose until she is able to give milk again. Oftern she perishes. If her lactation returns it is of such negligible quantity that the owner thinks it unoconomical to keep her. The Indian lets her die of hunger. Nor is this all. Our cow-caunt has tained our character and vitaited our commercial thinking. We want great returns from an enterprise, but we are not prepared to invest either adequate capital or skill or time in it. If only Indians could the folly of the attitude. India, with the greatest cattel population in the world, would in reality be flowing with milk and honey. So, if Indians are to make any headway, they have to start with our cow and her counsins the other animals, frittering away our reverence for life, Indian can make hteri tenderness a lever to turn the world. Actually, India is a gigantic menagerie where animal, humap or other, snarls imptently at fellow animal [next will continue as no. 102] Kind Regards! Sunder T