Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Sunderblogger.092 Face your fears with self-respect. A person whom we call courageous is not one without fear, but one who has learnt to face fear without fear. Fear is the fight between faith, and belief in oneself on one hand, versus the negative idea or expectation you have about your future on the other hand. You are literally fighting with your own positive and negative energies. The fear that you have about your life, be it fear of failure, fear of losing your near and dear ones, fear of losing your wealth, fear of the unknown and every fear can be used as a door to enlightenment. Fearlessness means taking a quantum jump into the consciousness where you will never experience fear of losing anything! Fearlessness doe not mean non-existence of fear. It means fear is there, but you have tremendous energy or courage to live with it and face it. Fearlessness means having the energy or the courage to live even with the maximum fear. It is going beyond that fear and being neither attached to nor detached from the fear. Best Wishes! Sunder T

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