Monday, January 6, 2014


Sunderblogger.073 SELF DEFENCE - SAFETY TIPS Awareness is the key. Increasing your personal awareness is an integral part of crime prevention, and perhaps the single most important element of effective self-defense. An awareness of the reality of crime and violence, as well as an awareness of your environment, are the keys to your personal security. 1. Trust your instincts: Learn to trust your instincts and listen to what your intuition tells you. Trust those "little voices" when they tell you that something (or someone) "just don't look right. " All of your senses should come to full alert, and you should be prepared to take action (if it's necessary) to get out of the situation or away from that person as fast as possible. 2. Avoid presenting a victim profile: Crime victims are frequently chosen because they are easy targets. Criminals prey on the weak or unsuspecting, and usually avoid people who are aware of what's going on and might put up a fight. When people in the eye out in public, look, keep your head up, and walk with a confident stride. This tells the predator that you are more likely to see him coming and resist. Without the element of surprise, they will likely pass you up for someone who'll put up less of a fight. 3. Lights, people and noise: "Just use good common sense and remember to pay attention to what's happening around you, and you will go a long way towards keeping yourself safe... “Always remember that your greatest allies are lights, people and noise. These are the three things that criminals fear most, because they increase the likelihood that they will be seen or caught. 4. Your first priority is escape: If you do end up in a dangerous situation, remember that your number one priority is not to fight, but to escape. When faced with someone who demands your wallet, purse, jewelry etc... - give it to them, and get out of there. No possession, however valuable, is worth risking your life over. 5. You must react quickly: One of the greatest challenges to defending yourself is that in the real world (unlike in the movies) acts of violence usually happen very quickly. When an attack occurs suddenly (even though there are usually warning signs), you are at an extreme disadvantage, if you are not prepared to react. Pepper spray, stun guns and firearms are useless if you can't get to them instantly when you need them. So try to anticipate dangerous situations in advance (such as walking to your car at night) and prepare yourself to take quick action. 6. The element of surprise: Second to awareness, surprise is perhaps the most important element of effective self-defense. Using it to your advantage can give you a devastating edge in a confrontation. For example, you might pretend to be passive, by appearing to submit to your assailants wishes, only to attack them when they least expect it. You might also try to talk to your attacker, and then suddenly throw something at their face - and run. In any case, it will be your ability to stay as calm as possible, while you keep thinking, that will make the difference. PLEASE CIRCULATE THIS INFORMATION TO ALL!!! Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani

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