Friday, January 3, 2014


conituneing as no. 099 - In India, reverence for life, is the keynote of an Indian being. It is true that Indians talk kindly of animals. Indeed, if you kill an Indian monkey, you might very well be killed yourself. As far as cow, she is sacred, more immortant, in some ways than a pandit. Kamshmiri or other. Cockroaches, flies, bedbugs, lice, mosquitoes, mice, rats- in brief, vermin ofevery kind-have a place in the Indian panthoon. they may not be destroyed; they are to be preseved to plague somebody else. the rich and the not-so-rich sleep in reasonably clean houses; but it is instructive to visit their servants` quarters. The poor wretches have logements in the same bungalow or garden, but at night they reveive the tneder attentions of noxioud incets, forecious-looking rats, and even poinous snakes. It is common to see a domestic servant singing merrily while retiring for the night and waking up in the mornign with a face so swollen as to make him unrecognizable. A bite in the darkness- that`s all. Who bothers about it. [next will continue as no. 100] Kind Regards! Sunder T

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