Friday, June 27, 2014


One of the favorite sports of India`s middle classes is bureaucracy bashing. It is an easy game to play and can be quite a lot of fun. Everyone has their favorite, outrageous story about an encounter with the bureaucracy. The inefficiency, corruption, insensitivity, stupidity and Kafkaesque circularity of bureaucratic procedures and rules are legendary. That India`s bureaucracy is one the most stifling and difficult to deal with has now been revealed in a survey. Over a thousand expatriate business executive rated India's bureaucracy the most annoying in Asia.
The problem with India is no, as we in the middle class imagine, that we have too many idle and corrupt bureaucrats.  The problem is that we have too many rules and regulations and too few officials to implement and monitor the regimes, and bring to book those who flout the rules and regulations. As India`s population grows, the disequilibrium is only going to grow: more rules and regulations to be applied to more and more people by a bureaucracy that is not high enough.
A conclusion: either we expand the bureaucracy or else the government will gradually wither away to the point that India will join the ranks of failed states. That would be a calamity for the Indian people.
Best wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.154

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.154: Change Attitude, Not Lifestyle In life, everyone is denied a few things. But all of us have been blessed with millions of gifts. If you fo...


Change Attitude, Not Lifestyle
In life, everyone is denied a few things. But all of us have been blessed with millions of gifts. If you focus on what you do not have, you will be unhappy, if you choose to focus on the things you have, you are grateful and you develop an irresistible share, contribute, and give. This makes you happy. The most precious things come for free, which you do not even consider! Hence, you live life feeling deprived and deficient when, in fact, you could be totally fulfilled and abundant.
Do you have conflict with the people you love most? Do you blame the 1other person for it? May be it has to do with your attitude. Do you have expectations of you family members? Do you make demands on your spouse and children? This is not love.  It is attachment. Love tainted with selfishness is attachment. You only love yourself. You claim to love because they happen to cater to you in some way. This causes conflict and untold suffering. In the end you support  them. Attachment is the single most important cause for breakdown in relationships.
So change you attitude, not lifestyle. Your life will change from drudgery to revelry. From mediocrity to Excellence.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.153

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.153: Indians, by and large, have an aversion to anything dark. Whether it`s sugar, flour or skin complexion, dark is out and white is in, the wh...


Indians, by and large, have an aversion to anything dark. Whether it`s sugar, flour or skin complexion, dark is out and white is in, the whiter the better. The exception to this color is coded scheme of things is money.  Indians or, at least some Indians have a distinct preference for so-called “black” money over” white” money.
Best Wishes
Sunder T

Thursday, June 26, 2014


I have a very simple definition of integrity:
 I saw a romantic greeting card which showed a couple kissing in the front seat of a car. The message said, ‘If you can kiss while driving safely, you are not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.’ Anything that is worth doing is worth doing with a whole heart, mind and body.
We get into the trouble not because we do things that are wrong, but because we approach our activities with divided intentions. Our body is doing one thing while our heart is elsewhere. We go to jobs wet rather not be at, we sleep with people we don’t love, we go to parties we secretly find boring or repulsive. At the same time we love people we don’t express our love for, we deny ourselves food we would really enjoy, and we know truths we do not act on.
You are doing on the outside matches who you are on the inside. I respect people who do things I don’t agree with, or wouldn’t do myself, but I respect them for being 100 percent who they are.
They are in integrity.

Sunder T


it is well said, “Politics is to be left only to politicians”.
India has been like a house owned by a householder who leaves the day-to-day running of the house –keeping the place clean, buy provisions for the kitchen, maintaining a daily account – to the servants. Left unregulated-except for a check on their activities every five years-the servants inevitably come to feel that the house belongs to them and not to the householder. As times goes by they become increasingly lazy and corrupt with no money to pay for the upkeep.
The householder blames the servants for having cheated and defrauded her. She concludes that all servants are cheats who are not to be trusted. But the householder forgets that it was only because she abdicated her own responsibility for adequately supervising the servants that they could behave the way they did, bringing the house to the sorry state it is in.
The Indian public is like that over-trustful householder who has let her house be run, with virtually no monitoring, by politicians who, feeling that there is no one to hold them to account for their actions, have done exactly as they pleased, holding to ransom the house that call India.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


A major culprit for crime and corruption is addiction to drugs and alcohol. Addiction starts with the repeated experience of the same sense object and this creates a sense of craving for it. Leaving the habit becomes painful, but having it does not give you any bliss, or ecstasy. Nobody is born with a craving, but you have started a habit within you that has created the craving. An intelligent person spends his time in knowledge, music, literature, science and in bringing people together. But the foolish always enjoy spending their time indulging in addictions, altercations and fights. All these recreational drugs just destroy your body. It will temporarily give you a high that takes you off from the mundane to a seemingly subtle feeling. To overcome addiction you have choice of Love, fear, and greed. This is an extract from a discourse by Shri Ravi Shankar in Art of living for of “sundercircle” Sunder T 


Subject: living alone and helping oneself: 
I am staying alone without any servant/help for the last 14 years. I find life is very challenging and exciting (especially after expiry of wife in the year 2000 and having no children). In India, being a middle class person and having no servant is not acceptable within the society. But those who have lived abroad (me, staying in London for two years) acquired a different mindset on these matters. I like the way British people live their life. Labour is dignified (even cleaning one`s own toilet or washing one`s own car) or keeping away from other people private life (minding one`s own business). After I learned these two things, my attitude towards life had changed a lot. I wish every person can live like this (without being dependent on anybody, for even cooking his own meals, which is looked down upon when a man is cooking his own meal). I shall obliged if anyone can contribute his views, suggestion or comment on this important matter "Living Alone" and send it across to this blog. Your attention and time will be highly appreciated and acknowledged. Kind Regards! Sunder T from Mumbai, India.


Is there such a creature as an Indian? There may be, but I have not found it. An Indian pure and simple is rare as a griffin or an Assyrian bull.
How should it be otherwise? The Indian is not a person, but a patchwork. Indeed, he reminds me of Ibsen`s famous one layer, then another, then another, and finally, nothing.
I am the peeling of the various layers that causes much trouble. Each layer tells its own tale and, what is unbelievable, is not part of an organic whole. The result is that the so-called Indian is the most contradictory of persons. He is perpetually at war with himself.
Not knowing himself, he is unable to understand others. Our metaphysics, wonderful as they are, have tried to solve this confusion, but in vain. Our multilayered soul remains hidden and unfathomable.
But why are we what we are?
Aryanism, of which we have become particularly proud since independence, is, if we examine matters without partipris, integumentary. The essence lies elsewhere.
The Indian spirit is basically pre-Aryan. The Dravidian element in it is predominant, (as we see t0-day,) but the total influences go further back. We have heard the phrase “Mother India”; India is much more than that; she is the Granny of Nations. Her soul (there is, I repeat, no “it” about it) is steeped in the leadings and misleading of many civilizations.
best wishes,
Sunder Thadani.


Anna Hazare, the man who bought Gandhigiri back in vogue, had stirred up quite a revolution.  From the aam admi to students, the Bollywood starts to the media- everybody is agreeing that they might not agree with everything Hazare might have to say, but boy will they defend his right to say it! 74 year-old has carried out a rather tech-savvy campaign predominantly through social networking websites and sms. But shortly before his highly controversial arrest, the man-of the-hour posted a pre-recorded message on YouTube, where he said “The second freedom struggle has started…This is a fight for change. The protests should not stop. The time has come for no jail in the country to have a free space”
But where is now? He has become a history. Indian politics is rarely understood by the world.
Best Wishes for Anna Hazare
Sunder T


Anna Hazare, the man who bought Gandhigiri back in vogue, had stirred up quite a revolution.  From the aam admi to students, the Bollywood starts to the media- everybody is agreeing that they might not agree with everything Hazare might have to say, but boy will they defend his right to say it! 74 year-old has carried out a rather tech-savvy campaign predominantly through social networking websites and sms. But shortly before his highly controversial arrest, the man-of the-hour posted a pre-recorded message on YouTube, where he said “The second freedom struggle has started…This is a fight for change. The protests should not stop. The time has come for no jail in the country to have a free space”
But where is now? He has become a history. Indian politics is rarely understood by the world.
Best Wishes for Anna Hazare
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.148

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.148: 10 Quick Strategies to Help Manage Your Anger When someone cuts you off on the freeway, do you give in to your rage? Do you burst out in a...


10 Quick Strategies to Help Manage Your Anger
When someone cuts you off on the freeway, do you give in to your rage? Do you burst out in anger when your child misbehaves?
Anger is a very natural emotion. However, learning to deal with your anger in a positive manner is important, both for your well-being and that of others who are near and dear to you. When you cannot control your temper, you and everyone around you suffer the consequences.
If you struggle with anger management, the good news is: it doesn't have to be this way! You don't have to fall victim to an uncontrollable temper. There are anger management techniques that will help you change the way you express this emotion.
These strategies can help you manage your anger in positive ways:
1. Give yourself a time out. Counting to ten before you speak or act gives you a chance to think first. Take a deep breath or two while you count to ten; this action helps relax your tense muscles and sends a burst of oxygen to your brain for clarity of thought.
Removing yourself altogether from the situation gives you more time to calm down and further reduces the risk of an angry outburst. You can return once you're able to discuss the issue peacefully.
2. Take some personal space. When the very presence of a specific person makes your blood boil, stay away from them until your frustration dies down. Use the opportunity away from them to work through your feelings and seek a positive solution to your challenge with them.
3. After you're calm, express yourself. It's healthy to express your feelings, even feelings of anger, as long as you do it in a peaceful, positive, and non-confrontational way.
Discussing your feelings with the person who upsets you often helps both of you understand each other better so you can work out your issues.
Stewing about what is bothering you can make the whole situation worse.
4. Exercise. Strenuous physical activity is an incredible way to release your anger, especially if you feel you're at the breaking point. Exercising also releases endorphins, the "feel good" hormones, which will help you feel more at peace. A۬
Lifting weights, running, and playing sports are great ways to blow off some steam.
5. Think it through before you tackle the issue. When you're angry, you're more likely to say something hurtful that you don't really mean.
Write down what you want to say so you can work through the issue at hand; when your temper is flaring, it's easy to get sidetracked.
6. Find a win-win solution. Instead of focusing on what someone did to make you angry, work with him or her to resolve the issue. Finding a solution that you both agree on will allow you to feel satisfied.
7. Use personal statements when discussing the issue. Avoid criticizing or placing blame.
Use statements like, "It makes me feel angry and upset when you don't help me with the housework," instead of "You never help me," which could make that person angry or resentful in return.
8. Avoid holding a grudge. Maintaining resentment toward someone only hurts you. Let it go, put it in the past, and move forward with your life.
It's unreasonable to expect everyone to act the way you want them to. Rather than letting someone continue to irritate you with their mannerisms, find a way to accept or look past them.
9. Use humor. Lighten up the situation by saying or doing something genuinely funny. Once you both have a good laugh, it's easier to find a resolution together.
When being humorous, avoid sarcasm as it can hurt and make things worse.
10. Practice relaxation techniques. Skills like deep breathing and picturing a relaxing scene can help defuse your temper when you feel it start to boil.
Listening to music and practicing Yoga are also great stress relievers.
If you feel that your anger is still out of control after using these strategies, you may benefit from some extra help, such as:
Reading further books on anger management.
Seeing a licensed therapist or counselor.
Attending anger management classes or support groups where others discuss ways to cope with their anger.
No matter how severe your anger may be, these tips and techniques can help you control your temper, rather than letting it control you. Free yourself from anger and find greater joy in your life today!
Kind Regards
Sunder T.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.147

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.147: Change election rules to keep criminals out of politics. With corruption rolling the Parliament and public life, the present ruling govern...


Change election rules to keep criminals out of politics.
With corruption rolling the Parliament and public life, the present ruling government can send a message about the seriousness of its intent to cleanse politics by swiftly passing into law proposed amendment to the Representation of the Peoples Act, 1951. With the objective of debarring criminals from entering politics, the amendments would disqualify any candidate with serious criminal charges-terrorism, murder, sexual assault, kidnapping etc.-from contesting elections. The law can be further improved by adding big-ticket corruption to the list of serious crimes.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


every profession has its occupational hazards. Sportsmen who make their living room rackets tend to develop tennis elbows. Those who mop and sweep one apartment after the other are prone to housemaid`s knee. Garbage collectors are not used to looking up while astronomers lose focus on anything below sky-level.  And newspaper journalists keep getting asked when they are  going to write books even though much of what they scribble has shelf life of 24 hours.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T


An aware mind is one that knows that a problem or issue exists but does nothing about it. It is easy to be lazy. Laziness requires no efforts. To be active requires effort. Let us take a look at mind control. Tempestuous thoughts arise daily in an agitated mind. There could be virtuous thoughts but they might get buried, when the mind is stressed. Even if these were to manifest outwardly, by their sheer nature they would bring benefit to us or those around us. However, we need to be extra cautious of the arising of non-virtuous ones.
Best Wishes!

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.144

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.144: we are never without an identity. In the system in which we are living, there are set patterns of life. Due to our ignorance we create fra...


we are never without an identity. In the system in which we are living, there are set patterns of life.
Due to our ignorance we create frames. A framed life is never happy, never satisfied because we really belong to the frameless source. If our life belongs to the frameless source, how can you define it in a frame? Can you capture the whole of the ocean in a cup?
Our ideal identity is no identity-to become zero, to live with a zero identity. We worship those who have attained this state. Either acquire a zero identity or become everything. Never identify yourself with one thing at all. Either identity with nothing or identity with everything never be in-between. That is the faith you should have in yourself.
First has faith in yourself, with whatever identity you are living, had full faith in that. If you have no faith in yourself, faith in the Divine alone will not work.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani.

Monday, June 23, 2014


we are never without an identity. In the system we are living there are set patterns of life. Doctor, master genius, this, that …. You are choosing your identity, so good, choose any identity, have full faith in that. If you feel like you are an artist then be an artist then be an artist, never doubt your identity. Ninety percent of people have identity but no faith in their identity, and they confuse themselves and have a miserable life.
We should have courage to break the system and discover a new identity in which we have faith. Then you can create better possibilities for life. Everything is in your hands; you have to decide what you want.
First of all understand your life, value it and then make your life useful, purposeful. If the definition of your life is limited your life will always be limited, if your definition of life is vaster, without boundaries or frames then you can live without limit. Every day, write you definition of life and in a few days that will give you a complete picture of you, you can check your frame-or whether your picture is frame-less.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Subject: Foreign Deposits by Indian citizen
India is  No. 58th on Swiss List for amount of foreign deposits in Swiss banks in 2013 as mentioned by Switzerland's central banking authority is INR 14000 Cr. This ranking is based on direct client exposure as also funds held through "fiduciaries" or wealth managers with total of 283 banks in Switzerland. There are only 18 countries whose exposure stands at 1% or more. UK has about 20% and the US 14%. Below are the figures in billions of Swiss francs:
1. UK             277.0
2. US              193.0
3. West Indies 100.0
4. Germany       52.4
5. Guernsey      49.5
This is what Deeptiman Tiwary has given in TNN and is given only for your information. Your comment, or suggestion is most welcome. I am 83 years old and need your encouragement to motivate me and increase my knowledge with your help/guidance. Kind Regards. Sunder T in Mumbai.

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.142

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.142: Knowledge comes from the past. It has to be translated currently into action. Thoughts and ideas must be transformed into deeds. Your mott...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.142

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.142: Knowledge comes from the past. It has to be translated currently into action. Thoughts and ideas must be transformed into deeds. Your mott...


Knowledge comes from the past. It has to be translated currently into action. Thoughts and ideas must be transformed into deeds.
Your motto in life should be to strive, to struggle, not to succeed. Work well accomplished, is the joy of life. Success or failure is immaterial. What really matters is your ability to adopt action to obligation. Your business lies in action alone, not in the reward accruing from it. Don’t let your anxiety to enjoy the fruit disturb the course of your action.
Work without attachment and craving in worship. That is the principle of renunciation. Why do you need motives for work? Work itself is most rewarding, entertaining and blissful. Employ this simple principle of work in practical life. The wide world becomes one divine chant. When you thus begin to work in a spirit of renunciation, the world returns your courtesy. Wealth and prosperity are at your door.
The world will go on. Nevertheless, you must perform you your work. You ought to take to work as a prince takes to sport-not as drudgery or burden. Your life is one big game, full of fun and frolic. The most laborious undertaking pursued in the right spirit is found to be all play; intense work undertaken thus is no work at all. That should be your attitude to work.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.141

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.141: Are you in conflict with the people you love most? Do you experience incredible highs followed by invariable lows in your relationships? Ha...


Are you in conflict with the people you love most? Do you experience incredible highs followed by invariable lows in your relationships? Have the days of wine in and roses become days of wine and neuroses?
Love tainted with selfishness is `attachment`; it is only about you. You expect a return for your affection, tangible or intangible. You feel insecure, vulnerable and threatened. Your expectations never seem to be met with. The more people do for you, the more you want. The relationship thus becomes conflict-ridden. In the end, it breaks down and you lose the person.
Expand you mind. Get attached to a wider circle of people-community, nation, and humanity. Work for local civil society, for the welfare of the world. As you get attached to the higher you get detached from the lower. True love is born and your relationships become free from the endless strife that prevails now.
In order to fill the haunting sense of emptiness in your life you depend on people for your happiness. Thus the starting point is faulty. Only when you are happy within can you establish meaningful relationships with others. It is absurd to depend on others to fill the void. You do not need anyone to make you happy. Gain knowledge of your fulfilled state.
Love others for what they are, the good as well as the bad. Understand that people behave according to their nature.
Look at others as part of yourself and you will focus on their best qualities. You will see opponents as partners, competitors as comrades. You will celebrate others` victory as if it were your own.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Death is powerless before the person who has depth of feeling for life. You must have come cross people who are not afraid of death, and they are from different walks of life. They include those in public life [like Gandhi, Anna Hazare], householders and also convicted criminals. They seem to be ready for the ultimate act without feeling any remorse. But can we say that death is powerless before them and that they have depth in them as evidence of this? Perhaps not. Perhaps they are being seen as the strongest of people who have depth of knowledge that enables them to encounter death without fear.
The nearest that you can get to death is to be with the dying and experience the trauma or otherwise, so as to feel the experience as best as possible, without actually dying- and this might help increase your depth of knowledge of death. Once you understand death and are ready that you feel life to the fullest which in itself increases your depth of life.
Only when you feel death can you feel life, which opens the sublime qualities of intelligence, fearlessness, wisdom, love, happiness, joy, creativity, expression, truthfulness and life itself.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Theoretically speaking, truth should be it is said that if a man speaks truth uninterruptedly for 12 years, whatever he speaks thereafter will come true. The saying, at once, reveals the power of truth as also the difficulty of remaining conscious a simple task as the most natural thing to do. Truth about oneself is always self-evident. Our thoughts and feelings, fears and aspirations, likes and dislikes are known to us and yet, we hardly express ourselves fully and truthfully. Instead, we battle with our conscience, concoct stories and manipulate our expressions to camouflages our thoughts and true feelings. We choose the hard option drive by all sorts of fears; fear of being found out, of rejection, of losing honor, status and image. As long as the veneer lasts I is fine but the foundation underneath remains ever brittle and shaky.
Truth is immortal. A shadow of lie can temporarily dim its illumination but only in passing. Lies, however, have a limited life and need to continuously breed and proliferate to keep up the presence of constancy. Truth is lie fresh water, cleansing the mind of sensory debris like desire, hatred, greed, jealousy, envy and animosity. Pursuing truth in thought and action, the mind attains a state of tranquility and starts mirroring the truth of people, objects, events and situations well beyond constraints of time and space.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.139

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.139: Theoretically speaking, truth should be it is said that if a man speaks truth uninterruptedly for 12 years, whatever he speaks thereafter w...


Theoretically speaking, truth should be it is said that if a man speaks truth uninterruptedly for 12 years, whatever he speaks thereafter will come true. The saying, at once, reveals the power of truth as also the difficulty of remaining conscious a simple task as the most natural thing to do. Truth about oneself is always self-evident. Our thoughts and feelings, fears and aspirations, likes and dislikes are known to us and yet, we hardly express ourselves fully and truthfully. Instead, we battle with our conscience, concoct stories and manipulate our expressions to camouflages our thoughts and true feelings. We choose the hard option drive by all sorts of fears; fear of being found out, of rejection, of losing honor, status and image. As long as the veneer lasts I is fine but the foundation underneath remains ever brittle and shaky.
Truth is immortal. A shadow of lie can temporarily dim its illumination but only in passing. Lies, however, have a limited life and need to continuously breed and proliferate to keep up the presence of constancy. Truth is lie fresh water, cleansing the mind of sensory debris like desire, hatred, greed, jealousy, envy and animosity. Pursuing truth in thought and action, the mind attains a state of tranquility and starts mirroring the truth of people, objects, events and situations well beyond constraints of time and space.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


People feel lonely; they need somebody to fill their loneliness. They call it love. They show love because that is the only way to hook the other. The other also calls it love because that is the only way to hook you. But who knows whether there is love or not? Love is just a game. Real love is possible, but that happens only when you don`t need anybody.
When you don`t need a person at all, when you are totally sufficient unto yourself, when you can be alone and tremendously happy and ecstatic, then then love is possible. But then too you can be certain about only one thing; whether your love is real. How can you be certain about the other? But then there is no need.
Behind declarations of love there is nothing but need. You want your lover to be with you to fill you emptiness and so too is the case with her. You are both trying to use each other as a means.
That`s why lovers, so-called lovers, are always in conflict-because nobody wants to be used, because when you use a person the person becomes a thing, you have reduced him to a commodity.
Best Wishes
Sunder T


More often than ever before, we face a rising tide of uncertainty about the future-
about our personal lives and the purpose and meaning of our religious, political, financial, and social institutions.
We become strikingly aware that life`s lessons are to be learnt on a daily basis. And one of the greatest teachers is uncertainty.
Uncertainty invites us to slow down in order to understand, to see better, to live better. We so badly want things in life to be predictable; we want all our choices to be good one, But we also claim we long for transformation. Certainty and comfort are hardly conductive to transformation.
The one certainty is that life is uncertain. We often live as though nothing will change, but it does. The continuous battle between wanting things to stay the same and finding that nothing stays the same creates tension in us. We chose to respond either with fear or helplessness, or with eager acceptance of what lies ahead.
The fear we have moving forward, trying something new, and changing direction is often actually an unwillingness to handle uncertainty. The danger is in getting stuck in the `confusion` phase too long, by not seeing it for the opportunity it offers for spiritual growth. The gift that uncertainty offers is its ability to moves us on.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.136

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.136: to creatively handle innovation is a part of wise living. To know and not to act on what you know is equal to not knowing. On has to see th...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.136

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.136: to creatively handle innovation is a part of wise living. To know and not to act on what you know is equal to not knowing. On has to see th...


to creatively handle innovation is a part of wise living. To know and not to act on what you know is equal to not knowing. On has to see this clearly that, “if you continue doing what you have done you will get what you have got” Hence, there is a need for innovation in all walks of life.
Our weakness can become our strength. This is true innovation. One has to focus on innovation id different fields like organization, self, creation of wealth and wellness. All this should result in `end user-innovation` of being happy, being valued and feeling a sense of belonging.
The organizational research and knowledge management wing should have methods to arrive an and check whether mission and vision statement have just become a jargons…that is, remaining as sheer intellectual concepts. If it is so, then the very purpose would be lost.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


to creatively handle innovation is a part of wise living. To know and not to act on what you know is equal to not knowing. On has to see this clearly that, “if you continue doing what you have done you will get what you have got” Hence, there is a need for innovation in all walks of life.
Our weakness can become our strength. This is true innovation. One has to focus on innovation id different fields like organization, self, creation of wealth and wellness. All this should result in `end user-innovation` of being happy, being valued and feeling a sense of belonging.
The organizational research and knowledge management wing should have methods to arrive an and check whether mission and vision statement have just become a jargons…that is, remaining as sheer intellectual concepts. If it is so, then the very purpose would be lost.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Often nothing requires more courage than the admission of one`s fault. The disturbance that repentance evokes in our personal and collective psyches, which ruminating over a past wrong or misdeed is so upsetting that we tend to exhaust every other available choice before we own up. We dread the bald admission that we are in the wrong. We dread the bald admission that we are in the wrong. Not only individuals but also communities and nations face this dilemma.
Human beings have a double nature; capable of great sacrifice and charity and at the same time capable of committing heinous acts. This is because of the instinct to do well and the instinct to do badly is intertwined with both positive and negative qualities. We tend to hurt others by our thoughtless and selfish inclinations. Others hurt us the same way. There are moments in our lives when we regret our actions and wish we had not done what we had. There would be hardly anyone who has not, at some time or other, grappled with feelings of guilt. Hence the need to be on guard always, is good.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

Saturday, June 21, 2014


we are moving along with the current of our desires, our own goals, aims and agendas. We are constantly thinking of negative things, having a sense of fear unnecessarily and constantly expecting the worst of by our negative state of being and they come and settle in us, making our mind a garbage bin.
Many a time we feel that everybody is victimizing us for no fault of ours, making us feel very pathetic and ordinary. Instead, when we don`t unnecessarily assume and presume the above, we value and feel that life is precious, auspicious, esteemed and extraordinary. Meditation brings about this awareness to make our life extraordinary.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Perseverance and letting go are both positive qualities that we are all possess. However, despite their being life-enhancing qualities, these are often complementary and even antagonistic to each other, and need to be employed in sequence, and at the right time, rather than in isolation for us to achieve success, peace and harmony.
Success is determined by a combination of factors.  Hard work is only one of them. Besides hard work, we also need talent, inspiration, creativity, luck, and destiny. While most of us work hard, true success and joy come only to some, while most others have to remain, content with whatever they get.
Your views or comment are most welcome.
Kind Regards
Sunder T


Perseverance and letting go are both positive qualities that we are all possess. However, despite their being life-enhancing qualities, these are often complementary and even antagonistic to each other, and need to be employed in sequence, and at the right time, rather than in isolation for us to achieve success, peace and harmony.
Success is determined by a combination of factors.  Hard work is only one of them. Besides hard work, we also need talent, inspiration, creativity, luck, and destiny. While most of us work hard, true success and joy come only to some, while most others have to remain, content with whatever they get.
Your views, or comment are most welcome.
Best Wishes
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.131

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.131: A great deal has been said about realization and enlightenment. But what is it? Perhaps this is one thing which can never be expressed in ...


A great deal has been said about realization and enlightenment. But what is it?
Perhaps this is one thing which can never be expressed in words. When we are sad or happy we say so and the other person can follow because there are common feelings. Realization, however, is something most are quite unaware of.
Your comments are welcome.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Friday, June 20, 2014


subject: Tech-ready humans – Think the other way round
it is unusual to contemplate a time when technology will literally change the face of humankind.
 If down the millennium, we have dispensed with such things as tails and increased the space in the cranium to accommodate larger brains. Consider the sorts of new posture-related diseases that currently plague users of what are now commonplace technologies such as mobile phones and laptops, such as tech necks, frozen shoulders, sprained hands, etc.
Once an ideal tech-ready one-human is figured our, though, the difficult part would be to figure out how the infinitesimally slow normal process of such changes can be speed up!
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


subject:    Political reforms in India.
Situation: India, low At 134 positions [183 in the world list]
Due to:     High cost of doing business in India, stemming from procedural complexity designed to
                  yield rent for those who wield power. The paper work and formalities
                   involved in starting a business in India is ranked at a poor 165. Worse, when it comes to
                   enforcing contracts, our rank is put at a scandalous second-last or 182/183, which is
                   unchanged still.
Solution:   A more transparent, business-like regulatory regime would boost investment and
                   enterprise, and augment the quality of economic growth.
                   We need hassle-free procedure to boost business activity. Overall, strengthening
                   transparency and efficiency of commercial dispute resolution, and improving bankruptcy
                   procedures would pay rich dividends. The bottom line is the pressing need to revamp and
                   reform the business environment across the board.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Subject: Mind, Body, and Self
The speaking tree says, there are three aspects to an individual.
His persona as people think he is, as he himself thinks he is,
and what he actually is.
People judge you mostly by your outward manifestation in terms of your personality, attire, the way you carry yourself and your status in the society. You judge yourself by what you think you are capable of doing, while others judge you by what you have already done. An individual`s perception about himself is mostly colored by the twin conditions of self-importance and ego., albeit in varying degrees. Very few are keen to find out that the real Self hidden within to ascertain one`s true identity. Knowledge of the Self is one of the most important fundamentals of philosophy/
your views, suggestions, and comments are most welcome.
Kind Regards!
Sunder Thadani


The mindset we have has not helped us. It has led us to a mediocre reality. I has led us to accepting a reality that is full of suffering and pain.
We need something that is fulfilling; something that we can enjoy Bliss will be the character of that existence. When can humanity as a whole get that reality? Is it impossible? No, it`s not possible. It is the very nature of our existence to be in bliss, to be symmetry.
All that we need to do is not gain anything more than what we have. As a matter of fact, it is a matter of losing what we have. Losing our ego, which is your `I` consciousness, is the culprit.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


this is what the paper says about Arabia
it is inevitable that popular anger against regimes propped up by foreign support should contained foreign policy dimensions. But it is important that these Arab popular movements do not give in to anti-Israel hysteria and focus on democratization their national policies. Democracy, ultimately, is what will bring resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict and that is where their immediate focus should be; India, the US and all other democracies should embrace the change in Arabia
Tunisia`s ousted 74-year old president Zine a-Abedine Ben Ali whose wife and family controlled 30% to 40% of the country`s economy and owned assets in every sector from Banks and insurance to transport, tourism and property while amassing an estimated $ 10 billion. Mubarak family reportedly amassed an estimated $41 billion.
Long live democracy!
Sunder Thadani


India_without makeup.168 - In the light of Kreisler`s fraternal interest n a commonplace performer, we can see the wisdom of looking to ordinary man for his contribution to our knowledge and judgement and the search for the right course. Let us take up this fascinating study of the value of commonplace or common qualities from another point of view.An Indian leader, Rajendra Prasad was the exceptional ordinary man. He was the supreme conservative; he sought to make progress while preserving all that was valuable in existing conditions.
The convention in which Rajendra Prasad so loyally moved were not merely restrictive, they had their own special value in the gradual political and social liberation for which had labored so long.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T


The purpose ad meaning of life is a mystery. Because of our deep involvement in the humdrum of lived life, we normally do not ponder over the question of the purpose of life. The question arises in our minds usually when confronted with the perceived meaninglessness of life. When, like Le Tolstoy, we begin to fee, "My life is a stupid, mean trick played on me by somebody." Kind Regards. Sunder T


The mindset we have has not helped us. It has led us to a mediocre reality. It has led us to accepting a reality that is full of suffering and pain.
We need something that is fulfilling; something that we can enjoy Bliss will be the character of that existence. When can humanity as a whole get that reality? Is it impossible? No, it`s not possible. It is the very nature of our existence to be in bliss, to be symmetry.

All that we need to do is not gain anything more than what we have. As a matter of fact, it is a matter of losing what we have. Losing our ego, which is your `I` consciousness, is the culprit.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T


this is what the paper says about Arabia
it is inevitable that popular anger against regimes propped up by foreign support should contained foreign policy dimensions. But it is important that these Arab popular movements do not give in to anti-Israel hysteria and focus on democratization their national policies. Democracy, ultimately, is what will bring resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict and that is where their immediate focus should be; India, the US and all other democracies should embrace the change in Arabia
Tunisia`s ousted 74-year old president Zine a-Abedine Ben Ali whose wife and
family controlled 30% to 40% of the country`s economy and owned assets in every sector from Banks and insurance to transport, tourism and property while amassing an estimated $ 10 billion. Mubarak family reportedly amassed an estimated $41 billion.
Long live democracy!
Sunder Thadani


The tension is triggered when we stretch ourselves beyond our mental, physical, and financial capacities and capabilities. The root cause is our expectations. When what we expect to happen does not happen, frustration lead to tension. This in turn leads to compression of the spiritual heart, which is the foundation of devotion that connects us to our soul.
Best Wishes!

Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.122

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.122: The tension is triggered when we stretch ourselves beyond our mental, physical, and financial capacities and capabilities. The root cause i...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.122

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.122: The tension is triggered when we stretch ourselves beyond our mental, physical, and financial capacities and capabilities. The root cause i...


The tension is triggered when we stretch ourselves beyond our mental, physical, and financial capacities and capabilities. The root cause is our expectations. When what we expect to happen does not happen, frustration lead to tension. This in turn leads to compression of the spiritual heart, which is the foundation of devotion that connects us to our soul.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.121

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.121: Sunlight is nature`s gift to mankind. We need the sun to survive and to be healthy in body and mind. The rays of the sun contain seven diff...


Sunlight is nature`s gift to mankind. We need the sun to survive and to be healthy in body and mind. The rays of the sun contain seven different colors which correspond to our energy centers. Unique vibration of each color in the rays of the sun can be used as tools for healing physical, psychological, and spiritual ills.
Sunlight can bring about transformation in body, mind, and sprit that well could be gradual but fulfilling experience ultimately. “As within, so without” – sunlight is all about discovering your inner sun that could be your best friend.
Best wishes!
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.120

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.120: A focused mind succeeds no only because it can solve problem with greater dispatch, but also because problems have a way of somehow vanishi...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.120

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.120: A focused mind succeeds no only because it can solve problem with greater dispatch, but also because problems have a way of somehow vanishi...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.120

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.120: A focused mind succeeds no only because it can solve problem with greater dispatch, but also because problems have a way of somehow vanishi...


A focused mind succeeds no only because it can solve problem with greater dispatch, but also because problems have a way of somehow vanishing before its focused energies, without even requiring to be solved. A focused mind often attracts opportunities for success that, to less focused (and therefore less successful) individuals, appear to come by sheer luck.
Concentration awakens our powers and channels them, dissolving obstacles in our path, literally attracting opportunities, insights and inspirations. In many ways, subtle as well as obvious, concentration is the single most important key to success.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Thursday, June 19, 2014


The difference between ego and will is that the ego is blind but the will has vision. Will has its source in the pure Self. Ego springs from avidya, a false sense of identification with the external world, and is usually concerned with preserving self-image and self-identity. Ego is characterized by stubbornness, selfishness, and unwillingness to compromise.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


becoming successful in the world requires a strong will, and that strong will needs to be properly guided so we develop a strong personality rather than a trivial, egotistical one. A strong personality exhibits tolerance and endurance. It has the power to `vanquish` an opponent, but chooses to forgive and forget instead. When egotistical, on the other hand, we demonstrate our weakness by answering a pebble with cannon. We lose composure the moment our feelings are even slightly bruised. We have received from others, but an even harder time remembering how much we have injured others.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


we find that everything is absolutely based on a fundamental ultimate law: nothing ever geos wrong. Yes, sometimes it looks to us as if it has gone wrong, because we were expecting something else. That`s a problem-we do one thing, we sow one seed and we expect something else. We sow the seeds of one kind of flower and we expect some other kind of flower, so when the flowers come we are frustrated. But flowers come through the seed, not our wishes.
Life is our project. We are our life`s creators. God has created men, but as freedom. So there is an essential freedom inside; now it is up to you to choose what you would like to happen to you in life and then you will see that it starts happening.
One thing is linked with another, one thing leads to another, and slowly you have taken a certain rout; then all other alternatives are dropped.
Life is a small affair a 70 year affair in which one-third will be gone in sleep, another one-third will be gone in earning bread and butter, another one-third in other stupidities…..
It is not a big thing, compared to death it is nothing. Death is eternity.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


In India, the big `C` stands not so much for `Cancer` as for `Corruption. Corruption, which seems to thrive at all levels, is perhaps the single biggest threat to our national economic and ethical health.
Abolish corruption? It`s like saying `let `a abolish gravity`. Corruption has become as essential factor in our lives as gravity, which keeps everything in its place. Any suggestion that it could be done away with sounds like a joke, and not a particularly funny one at that.
OK, so corruption is something unavoidable, something that we have to learn to live with. But who`s responsible for it? How does the spiral of corruption begin? Who`s at the beginning of the ghoos story? The other day, the answer to that question was revealed tome. I realized who the source of corruption is: it was me.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


William Blake said:” He who bends to himself a joy/Does the winged life destroy; /But he who kisses the joy as it flies/Lives in eternity`s sunrise”
Being is consciousness without the attached strings of attachment and ego. Being is a way of seeing the world, and everything in it, through the consciousness of a poet, or an artist, or a sage. Being has no title deed, no desire of possession, no stamp of ownership...
The polar opposite of being is consciousness in the mode of having. The world and everything in it- beauty, wealth, power, and fame- is perceived as possession, something to have, and to hold on to at all the cost.
If being is pure consciousness without ego, having is pure ego without consciousness. In having the ego becomes all consuming my wishes and desires that must be fulfilled, my ideal home, my perfect family, my enviable collection of art and beauty, my good name and reputation, the world as  my private property to do with as I will.
Thanks for your attention and time given to this page. Your comments are most welcome,
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Religion travel is the largest segment in India`s domestic tourism. Close to 60 percent of those travelling within India combine it with a stop at a shrine or an important place of worship. This segment has been growing by at least 35 per cent.
High-end spiritual tourism is the in thing. With increased connectivity and availability of quality accommodation at religious place in India, there has been an increase in this segment.
High-end spiritual tourism includes foreigners from UK, France, Germany, and other European countries. NRIs too form a significant share of the market. However, the biggest proportion is still formed by the affluent businesspersons and their families within India.
Your comments are most welcome.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


we are what our father ate….before our birth
you`re what your father eats, says a new study. An International team has found that a father`s diet while growing up can affect the future health of his offspring-in fact, paternal diet influences lipid metabolizing genes of his children. Researchers discovered that a father`s lifestyle can be passed down to his children because it “reprograms” his genes.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.112

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.112: We all have two identities, the identity that we project to the outer world, and the identity that we believe to be us in the inner world. ...


We all have two identities, the identity that we project to the outer world, and the identity that we believe to be us in the inner world. Your fight is nothing but the fight between these two worlds. This conflict between the personalities that you show to the outer world and the personality that you reveal in our inner world are called `tension ‘the uneasy feeling between these identities creates disease. Both the identities are pure myths; both are lies! You are something beyond these identities. The basic truth is that you are much more than these two identities. When you are not clutched from these two identities, you will suddenly realize that you are beyond the two identities. When that happens, these two identities can never bind you again.
Best Wishes!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


What is important to me in my life is respect and self-esteem.
In order to get through life, I feel that a person has to have
respect for others and themselves.  By respecting what others say and do,
even though I may not agree with them, I still respect their point of view.
This has helped me carry on in life without letting what they say or do
affect me physically or emotionally.  Realizing that everyone has their
own personal view of something or someone is important to me.
Self-esteem is something that I feel can carry a person through life.
Always having high self-esteem about you puts up a shield from put-downs
and abuse from other people.  This high self-esteem will help a person
stay strong and let the remarks go in one ear and out the other.  
Following this philosophy will help me live a happy and successful life.
By not letting other people bring me down, but at the same respect them;
I will have a better understanding of individuals and life in general.
Best wishes!
Sunder thadani


Subject: Self is Pure Consciousness:
The self is pure consciousness. Your true self is the purest of pure. It is the witness. Even if you are not aware of the Self, it will not lose its identity. But when identification of the Self happens with the body and mind then the self is n a state of delusion, and this false identification and delusion makes you suffer.
Your body is constantly changing; through pure knowledge you could understand how many different bodies you have had and yet you are the very same existence; how many births you took and all those bodies died but you always remained untouched by death.
You are consciousness, pure existence and this body is mortal. The Self is pure existence and a witness. In Self-awareness there is immense joy and in not knowing the Self there is a lot of pain and suffering.
Be a witness. Remain detached. You just be a watcher, a seer; be aloof from all this paraphernalia of the world and the body. Then only you really enjoy otherwise you will suffer as no scenario is ever going to remain in unchanged
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Subject: Life is for living
Nature created a human form and from this human form we have to become human beings. Nature gave a tool to our human form: the mind. And from this mind our discovery begins. When we go inside ourselves, we can discover our potentials, our capacities and our nature. We must organize our lives with our minds. If we know ourselves, slowly our human form will progress, will grow. The capacities and the quality of our consciousness will grow.
Age has nothing to do. Ask yourself if you want to live a better life or not. If you want to know more about yourself, or not; if you want to live this life knowing yourself or without knowing yourself. This is what we must learn. Don`t live a life with ignorance; live with awareness, with knowledge. Then you can grow, and then you can progress and fulfill the purpose of life.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Happiness depends on balance. If our external and internal lifestyles are balanced the, assuming we have the potential to get well, all the conditions necessary for healing are in place. How to establish external balance? We should develop a good diet, drink plenty of water, get enough rest and sleep, have regular exercise within our capacity and we need to have an enjoyable or purpose in life or learn to enjoy it. Also it helps to live in a clean and healthy environment. We also need supportive and healthy relationships and should avoid substance abuse…
Happiness or fulfillment is just a state of mind – it comes from within so it is impossible to find lasting peace of mind in only the external world. Sometimes illness could be a blessing in disguise because it can help to start us on that inner journey towards wholeness and ultimate healing…
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Jealousy destroys those envying roots and enjoys lasting peace. Just be aware when the feeling of
 jealousy arises, and you will be surprise, it simply disappears. Jealousy cannot be overcome
either by escaping from it or hating the object of jealousy.
Understand the way out of jealousy is not be surprising it or denying its existence.
Expressing and encouraging it is also not the way because then you are not ready
to face he jealousy with awareness. Just watch how jealousy arise in you,
how it develops into hatred for the object of jealousy, how it creates restlessness
and frustration inside you and make you lose all of your peace and calm.
Do not condemn the object of jealousy. The object has not generated the
emotions from outside. The jealousy is happening inside you. The fire of jealousy
can just consume you completely if you don’t control it with the fire extinguisher of
you awareness. Once you witness your jealousy with awareness, you will realize
that it does not have a basis for existence at all.  When this happens, jealously
will drop automatically. You won`t have to drop it.
Best Wishes!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Stress management is one of the most important factors in health and vitality. Emotional and mental stress can often have a direct effect on your physical state. Research shows that chemicals produced over years from unhappy emotions feelings can disrupt the body`s physical balance and lead to disease. Stress and unhappiness has even been known to cause depression, gastrointestinal disorders and fat formation and storage. Stress directly affects the immune system leaving the body more susceptible to colds and flues.
Yours views, suggestions, and comments are most welcome
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


Through history one impression of human nature has been consistent: that man has a multiple nature. Most often it has been expressed as a dual nature. It has been expressed mythologically, philosophically, and religiously. Always it has been seen as conflict: the conflict between good and evil, the lower nature and the higher nature, the inner man and the outer man. "There are times," Somerset Maugham, "when I look over the various parts of my character with perplexity. I recognize that I am made up of several persons and that the person at the moment has the upper hand will inevitably give place to another. But which is the real one? All of them or none?. Kind Regards! Sunder T. (for members of sundercircle only)


Subject: Inviting Wisdom to Stay
Our experience tell us that too much human conflict, distress and suffering comes from lack of wisdom. So we would like to have more, and for others to have it too. While a basic definition is that wisdom consists of making the best use of knowledge, it leaves out other aspects, which we can put together by examining various traditions.
While intelligence, cleverness or the ability to appear dynamic is something a person is born with, wisdom is not. One way to increase in wisdom is to move from raw to refined thinking, feeling, reflecting and acting.
Wise being embody the essence of wisdom that is discernment- discernment of right from wrong, just from unjust, wholesome from destructive, truth from delusion. They are usually regarded as compassionate towards others, content in themselves.
They have learnt what is truly important.
Best Wishes
Sunder Thadani


Subject: Inviting Wisdom to Stay
Our experience tell us that too much human conflict, distress and suffering comes from lack of wisdom. So we would like to have more, and for others to have it too. While a basic definition is that wisdom consists of making the best use of knowledge, it leaves out other aspects, which we can put together by examining various traditions.
While intelligence, cleverness or the ability to appear dynamic is something a person is born with, wisdom is not. One way to increase in wisdom is to move from raw to refined thinking, feeling, reflecting and acting.
Wise being embody the essence of wisdom that is discernment- discernment of right from wrong, just from unjust, wholesome from destructive, truth from delusion. They are usually regarded as compassionate towards others, content in themselves.
They have learnt what is truly important.
Best Wishes
Sunder Thadani


If a man has lived his whole life making every moment and every phase of it a beauty, a love, a joy, naturally his death is going to be the ultimate peak of his life`s endeavor.
If death is ugly; that mans your whole life has been a waste.
Death should be a peaceful acceptance, a loving entry into the unknown, a joyful goodbye to old friends, to the old world. There should not be any tragedy in it.
Do not make things small and big, trivial and important. Everything is important. At this moment any death is as important as the two squirrels running on the roof, there is no difference. In existence it is all the same. There is nothing which is great or small; it all depends on you, what you make out of it.
Throw out all the rubbish you are carrying. Life is simple; it is a joyful dance. The whole earth can be full of joy and dance, but there are some who are determined that nobody should enjoy life, smile, or laugh; that life is a sin, that it is a punishment.
Life is a reward, and it is given only to those who have earned it, who deserve it. It will be against existence if you don`t beautify it, if you leave it just as you have found it. So leave it a little happier, a little more beautiful, and a little more fragrant.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


you are thinking negatively when you fear the future, put yourself down, criticize yourself for errors, doubt your abilities, or expect failure. Negative thinking damages confidence, harms performance and paralyses mental skills.
If you find it difficult to look at your negative thoughts objectively, imagine that you are your best friend or a respected coach or mentor.
Negative thinking has been an early warning system showing where you need to direct your attention. Thought awareness helps you to understand the negative thinking, unpleasant memories and misinterpretation of situation that may interfere with your performance and damage yourself-confidence. Rational thinking is the technique that helps you to challenge these negative thoughts and either learn from them or refute them as incorrect. Positive affirmations that you can use to counter negative thought. These affirmations neutralize negative thought and build self-confidence. It is also used to find the opportunities, almost always present to some degree in a difficult situation.
Best Wishes!


subject: Peace Feeds Happiness
what has peace got to do with happiness? The connection is like that between life and living. For, peace makes life worth living and paves the way to happiness. Peace and happiness are linked so inextricably that there’s no happiness without peace.
What comes first: peace or happiness? Could you be at peace if you`re not happy? The answer to these questions depends on your idea of happiness … on whether you get happiness form external factors or from within.
True happiness comes from a sense of peace and contentment, which in turn must be achieved through the cultivation of altruism, of love and compassion, and elimination of ignorance, selfishness, and greed.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani

Monday, June 16, 2014


<HTML><Meta name="google-site-verification" content="gMXWYKlVDCUkbst1WucFrk5O-pB8bJOmFxoiedFH0k4" />

Jug Suralya says in the editorial of TOI, “The elections have witnessed an induction of more than 150 million first time voters. The greatest challenge that the new Indian government faces is to devise ways and means to put to productive use this collective energy which could transform the country economically and socially. The solution lies not in the creation of yet more sarkari (Govt) jobs and adding to an already bloated bureaucracy the answer lies in out-of –the- box thinking: micro financing grassroots entrepreneurs, encouraging self-employment through vocational training, creating sources of productive livelihood instead of creating unproductive government jobs. Unless this is done, millions of India`s “kabutars` (pigeons) will continue to fly out of the country to far-off lands, to perform tricks and sell trinkets and live on the uncertain kindness of foreign strangers, living evidence of India`s begging bowl.” Your comments can be sent to – sunderkt at Gmail dot com – – Kind Regards.
 Sunder T.

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I am Sunder Thadani. Since 1954 I am living in Mumbai, the magnificent city of more than 16.5 million,
I started working with a Private limited company. I like the place and people around me.
I enjoyed the weather which was warm and friendly. I am 83 years of age and still living in this city.
 I am enjoying every minute of staying in this city. I know this place as palm of my hand.
If you need any help/guidance, please go ahead and don’t hesitate to ask.
 Any information will be given free of cost. If you wish, I can also act as your own resident man in Mumbai.
I can look after your interests on 24x7 bases and give you the results as per your expectations.
Kindly visit my website: or mail to:
 Kind Regards. Sincerely yours, Sunder Thadani<A HREF=""></A>
<IMG SRC="images/100-bestofall.jpg">
<A HREF=""></A>

Old age is always known to be a curse, but in reality is a blessing in disguise. There are two things involved. One is physical and other is mental. Health one can see himself, but the brain needs additional nutrients by way of having a positive outlook. This positivity has to be kept right till one breaths  one`s last. Old age is full of past experience, learning, and greater sincerity, wisdom and maturity. An mature person can do so many things which are not possible for an ordinary person being of same age. A senior citizen is better placed to give back society precious gifts which was possible for him to give during his youth. This opportunity is available due to nature, and utilizing is one own choice. Learn to know the difference between positive mind and a negative, and the answer will come to you by itself.
Kind Regards!
Sunder Thadani


India may be the biggest democracy, but surveys conducted on the status of women place India at par with fanatical, despotic nations with no sense of justice or any rule of law.
For one section of Indian society, an entire generation of emancipated women are hooked simple because they do not act, behave or dress like traditional `good girls`.
Innumerable Bollywood film show men behaving like full-blown stalkers and psychos who harass women, but eventually these women fall the gay. In real life, when women out rightly reject such `wooing`,  acid is thrown at them!
is thrown at them!
Your views will be highly appreciated.
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani


subject:    Political reforms in India.
Situation: India, low At 134 positions [183 in the world list]
Due to:     High cost of doing business in India, stemming from procedural complexity designed to
                  yield rent for those who wield power. The paper work and formalities
                   involved in starting a business in India is ranked at a poor 165. Worse, when it comes to
                   enforcing contracts, our rank is put at a scandalous second-last or 182/183, which is
                   unchanged still.
Solution:   A more transparent, business-like regulatory regime would boost investment and
                   enterprise, and augment the quality of economic growth.
                   We need hassle-free procedure to boost business activity. Overall, strengthening
                   transparency and efficiency of commercial dispute resolution, and improving bankruptcy
                   procedures would pay rich dividends. The bottom line is the pressing need to revamp and
                   reform the business environment across the board.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani


What is important to me in my life is respect and self-esteem.
In order to get through life, I feel that a person has to have
respect for others and themselves.  By respecting what others say and do,
even though I may not agree with them, I still respect their point of view.
This has helped me carry on in life without letting what they say or do
affect me physically or emotionally.  Realizing that everyone has their
own personal view of something or someone is important to me.
Self-esteem is something that I feel can carry a person through life.
Always having high self-esteem about you puts up a shield from put-downs
and abuse from other people.  This high self-esteem will help a person
stay strong and let the remarks go in one ear and out the other.  
Following this philosophy will help me live a happy and successful life.
By not letting other people bring me down, but at the same respect them;
I will have a better understanding of individuals and life in general.
Best wishes!
Sunder T.


Stress and Egoism are very much related to each other. Egoism implies that we think we are more important than others, and that what we believe, is the truth. Ego means our point of view is more important than that of others, more important than even truth. So we are trapped within our point of view. No only we are arrogant about our point of view, we believe in our infallibility. Arrogance and stubbornness create stress.
When self-interest or ego prevails in our mind, we begin to compete with everyone for everything, no matter what the cost. We do not see beyond our self-gratification.
Drop the “I” and “mine” and live in the “we”. The universe is one. Without the ego, we experience a beautiful connectedness with everything else in the great chain of being; with the birds, stars, sky and trees. It is this connectedness that is know as `Nirvana`. Reality is unity, and illusion is division.
We have to trust the universe with its own ways of opening and closing windows of opportunity and doors to happiness and prosperity. Impatience is a result of lack of trust. We trust our ego and not the miracle of life.
Best Wishes


The fact, that society is a very densely connected network in which we are nods, and links represent our numerous social, professional, or family relationships. The most important revelation about networks- the one that is exciting scientists from all disciplines-has little to do with small worlds. Rather it is the realization that networks appearing in all different segments of nature and society are indistinguishable. We now understand that real networks are far from being a bunch of nodes randomly linked to each other. Instead, a few hubs, nodes with an exceptionally large number of connections, keep most networks together. A few individuals with an extraordinary ability make friends keep society together.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T.


Manners make the middle class in any country.
Catching up with the west begins with good manners; not cars, stereos or even blue jeans. It is simply a matter of putting the horse before the cart. Manners are all about how we treat others whom we don`t know personally, and probably never will. As early as 1873, Professor Thomas E Hill wrote a book “Essential Handbook of Victorian Etiquette”. He mentioned:
01. Do not always commence a conversation by an allusion to wealth,
02. Do not call upon a person in reduced circumstances with a display of wealth, dress and equipage.
03. Do no make a parade of being acquainted with distinguished or wealthy people or visiting foreign lands.
04. Never be over-boastful in praise of one`s country
best wishes
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.093

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.093: I has always been a big question –how to control the mind? It is not so easy to do this. The Sufi way is not to control the mind but to si...


I has always been a big question –how to control the mind? It is not so easy to do this.
The Sufi way is not to control the mind but to silence its constant chatter and find peace through stillness. This method is called Gibberish medication, which appears to be very strange, but it is the most effective one.
The conception of mind is nothing but gibberish. Put it aside and you will have a taste of your own being. Simply allow whatever comes, without bothering whether it meaningful or reasonable. Just throw whatever comes, without bothering whether it s meaningful or reasonable. Now after the cyclone has subsided, you can, experience the absolute silence and witness the body, the mind and anything that is happening.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


Face your fears with self-respect.
A person whom we call courageous is not one without fear, but one who has learnt to face fear without fear. Fear is the fight between faith, and belief in oneself on one hand, versus the negative idea or expectation you have about your future on the other hand. You are literally fighting with your own positive and negative energies.
The fear that you have about your life, be it fear of failure, fear of losing your near and dear ones, fear of losing your wealth, fear of the unknown and every fear can be used as a door to enlightenment.
Fearlessness means taking a quantum jump into the consciousness where you will never experience fear of losing anything! Fearlessness doe not mean non-existence of fear. It means fear is there, but you have tremendous energy or courage to live with it and face it. Fearlessness means having the energy or the courage to live even with the maximum fear. It is going beyond that fear and being neither attached to nor detached from the fear.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Face your fears with self-respect.
A person whom we call courageous is not one without fear, but one who has learnt to face fear without fear. Fear is the fight between faith, and belief in oneself on one hand, versus the negative idea or expectation you have about your future on the other hand. You are literally fighting with your own positive and negative energies.
The fear that you have about your life, be it fear of failure, fear of losing your near and dear ones, fear of losing your wealth, fear of the unknown and every fear can be used as a door to enlightenment.
Fearlessness means taking a quantum jump into the consciousness where you will never experience fear of losing anything! Fearlessness doe not mean non-existence of fear. It means fear is there, but you have tremendous energy or courage to live with it and face it. Fearlessness means having the energy or the courage to live even with the maximum fear. It is going beyond that fear and being neither attached to nor detached from the fear.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T


you are thinking negatively when you fear the future, put yourself down, criticize yourself for errors, doubt your abilities, or expect failure. Negative thinking damages confidence, harms performance and paralyses mental skills.
If you find it difficult to look at your negative thoughts objectively, imagine that you are your best friend or a respected coach or mentor.
Negative thinking has been an early warning system showing where you need to direct your attention. Thought awareness helps you to understand the negative thinking, unpleasant memories and misinterpretation of situation that may interfere with your performance and damage yourself-confidence. Rational thinking is the technique that helps you to challenge these negative thoughts and either learn from them or refute them as incorrect. Positive affirmations that you can use to counter negative thought. These affirmations neutralize negative thought and build self-confidence. It is also used to find the opportunities, almost always present to some degree in a difficult situation.

Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani.


Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues o the opposite sex- so much so, that these days, it just seem to make eminent sense to have a purely platonic girlfriend or boyfriend at the office – a “work spouse,” if you will.
Having a work spouse is more than simple jokes and fun, as they are uniquely bonded individuals who can relate and provide emotional support during stressful times. Even tough by pure definition, work-spouse relationships are platonic. It`s the latent possibility for hanky panky that makes relationship experts wary of such associations. It is too easy for any boy-girl kind of relationships to morph into a dangerous affair.

Your comments are most welcome.
Sunder T


Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues o the opposite sex- so much so, that these days, it just seem to make eminent sense to have a purely platonic girlfriend or boyfriend at the office – a “work spouse,” if you will.
Having a work spouse is more than simple jokes and fun, as they are uniquely bonded individuals who can relate and provide emotional support during stressful times. Even tough by pure definition, work-spouse relationships are platonic. It`s the latent possibility for hanky panky that makes relationship experts wary of such associations. It is too easy for any boy-girl kind of relationships to morph into a dangerous affair.

Your comments are most welcome.
Sunder T

Happiness depends on balance. If our external and internal lifestyles are balanced the, assuming we have the potential to get well, all the conditions necessary for healing are in place. How to establish external balance? We should develop a good diet, drink plenty of water, get enough rest and sleep, have regular exercise within our capacity and we need to have an enjoyable or purpose in life or learn to enjoy it. Also it helps to live in a clean and healthy environment. We also need supportive and healthy relationships and should avoid substance abuse…
Happiness or fulfillment is just a state of mind – it comes from within so it is impossible to find lasting peace of mind in only the external world. Sometimes illness could be a blessing in disguise because it can help to start us on that inner journey towards wholeness and ultimate healing…
Best Wishes!
Sunder T

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.087

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.087: Multidimensional Life Though most of us operate from our periphery, often saying and doing things spontaneously, witho...