Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Today Second Life (SL) is comparable to modern society with relationships, thriving businesses, education, music, games, sex, and the fine arts. The question however on everyone`s mind is how do you create a sense of trust in a place where you cannot actually see each other. The co concept of Identity Verification (IDV) is the answer. Residents will provide a few simple details about their identity -usually, name, date of birth,and address. Additionally, they will be asked to provide specific identifying information, such as driving license number, passport or national ID number. There are two clear benefits. First, residents have the option of verifying aspects of their identity such as age, sex, and location. This will help residents do business with each other. Secondly, land owners and content publishers will be sure that minors do not get access to content of sexual or violent nature to those they are sure are over 18. They will do this by flagging the content as `restricted`. Sunder Thadani. 20170614.