Thursday, June 19, 2014


William Blake said:” He who bends to himself a joy/Does the winged life destroy; /But he who kisses the joy as it flies/Lives in eternity`s sunrise”
Being is consciousness without the attached strings of attachment and ego. Being is a way of seeing the world, and everything in it, through the consciousness of a poet, or an artist, or a sage. Being has no title deed, no desire of possession, no stamp of ownership...
The polar opposite of being is consciousness in the mode of having. The world and everything in it- beauty, wealth, power, and fame- is perceived as possession, something to have, and to hold on to at all the cost.
If being is pure consciousness without ego, having is pure ego without consciousness. In having the ego becomes all consuming my wishes and desires that must be fulfilled, my ideal home, my perfect family, my enviable collection of art and beauty, my good name and reputation, the world as  my private property to do with as I will.
Thanks for your attention and time given to this page. Your comments are most welcome,
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani