Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Subject: Life is for living
Nature created a human form and from this human form we have to become human beings. Nature gave a tool to our human form: the mind. And from this mind our discovery begins. When we go inside ourselves, we can discover our potentials, our capacities and our nature. We must organize our lives with our minds. If we know ourselves, slowly our human form will progress, will grow. The capacities and the quality of our consciousness will grow.
Age has nothing to do. Ask yourself if you want to live a better life or not. If you want to know more about yourself, or not; if you want to live this life knowing yourself or without knowing yourself. This is what we must learn. Don`t live a life with ignorance; live with awareness, with knowledge. Then you can grow, and then you can progress and fulfill the purpose of life.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T