it is well said, “Politics is to be left only to politicians”.
India has been like a house owned by a householder who leaves the day-to-day running of the house –keeping the place clean, buy provisions for the kitchen, maintaining a daily account – to the servants. Left unregulated-except for a check on their activities every five years-the servants inevitably come to feel that the house belongs to them and not to the householder. As times goes by they become increasingly lazy and corrupt with no money to pay for the upkeep.
The householder blames the servants for having cheated and defrauded her. She concludes that all servants are cheats who are not to be trusted. But the householder forgets that it was only because she abdicated her own responsibility for adequately supervising the servants that they could behave the way they did, bringing the house to the sorry state it is in.
The Indian public is like that over-trustful householder who has let her house be run, with virtually no monitoring, by politicians who, feeling that there is no one to hold them to account for their actions, have done exactly as they pleased, holding to ransom the house that call India.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T
India has been like a house owned by a householder who leaves the day-to-day running of the house –keeping the place clean, buy provisions for the kitchen, maintaining a daily account – to the servants. Left unregulated-except for a check on their activities every five years-the servants inevitably come to feel that the house belongs to them and not to the householder. As times goes by they become increasingly lazy and corrupt with no money to pay for the upkeep.
The householder blames the servants for having cheated and defrauded her. She concludes that all servants are cheats who are not to be trusted. But the householder forgets that it was only because she abdicated her own responsibility for adequately supervising the servants that they could behave the way they did, bringing the house to the sorry state it is in.
The Indian public is like that over-trustful householder who has let her house be run, with virtually no monitoring, by politicians who, feeling that there is no one to hold them to account for their actions, have done exactly as they pleased, holding to ransom the house that call India.
Best Wishes!
Sunder T