Through history one impression of human nature has been consistent: that man has a multiple nature. Most often it has been expressed as a dual nature. It has been expressed mythologically, philosophically, and religiously. Always it has been seen as conflict: the conflict between good and evil, the lower nature and the higher nature, the inner man and the outer man. "There are times," Somerset Maugham, "when I look over the various parts of my character with perplexity. I recognize that I am made up of several persons and that the person at the moment has the upper hand will inevitably give place to another. But which is the real one? All of them or none?. Kind Regards! Sunder T. (for members of sundercircle only)
This is a platform for light minded people, who wish to express their opinion suggest, or comment on any public issue. Everyone is welcome abroad. No bar for caste, creed, color, or belief. You may share your experience, adventure to all, and make this planet a worth living place, without any tension, voilence, and respect to other regions and human beings. Kind Regards! Sunder T - sunderkt at gmail dot com -