Tuesday, June 17, 2014


If a man has lived his whole life making every moment and every phase of it a beauty, a love, a joy, naturally his death is going to be the ultimate peak of his life`s endeavor.
If death is ugly; that mans your whole life has been a waste.
Death should be a peaceful acceptance, a loving entry into the unknown, a joyful goodbye to old friends, to the old world. There should not be any tragedy in it.
Do not make things small and big, trivial and important. Everything is important. At this moment any death is as important as the two squirrels running on the roof, there is no difference. In existence it is all the same. There is nothing which is great or small; it all depends on you, what you make out of it.
Throw out all the rubbish you are carrying. Life is simple; it is a joyful dance. The whole earth can be full of joy and dance, but there are some who are determined that nobody should enjoy life, smile, or laugh; that life is a sin, that it is a punishment.
Life is a reward, and it is given only to those who have earned it, who deserve it. It will be against existence if you don`t beautify it, if you leave it just as you have found it. So leave it a little happier, a little more beautiful, and a little more fragrant.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani