Monday, May 26, 2014


Destroy those envying roots and enjoy lasting peace. Just be aware when the feeling of
 jealousy arises, and you will be surprise, it simply disappears. Jealousy cannot be overcome either by escaping from it or hating the object of jealousy.
Understand the way out of jealousy is not be surprising it or denying its existence. 
Expressing and encouraging it is also not the way because then you are not ready
to face he jealousy with awareness. Just watch how jealousy arise in you,
how it develops into hatred for the object of jealousy, how it creates restlessness
and frustration inside you and make you lose all of your peace and calm.
Do not condemn the object of jealousy. The object has not generated the
emotions from outside. The jealousy is happening inside you. The fire of jealousy
can just consume you completely if you don’t control it with the fire extinguisher of
you awareness. Once you witness your jealousy with awareness, you will realize
that it does not have a basis for existence at all.  When this happens, jealously
will drop automatically. You won`t have to drop it.

Best Wishes!

Sunday, May 25, 2014



Sunderblogger.015 The 7 systems of balance: The secret to a balanced life is in the balance of passion and structure. The wonders of our age, all of the new ways to do things, all of the new ways to be in contact with others, the access to any and all sources of information, all of the new ways to travel, all these limitless opportunities make it possible for you to pursue your passion, your ideas, you interest, your love. In pursuing our passion to be happy, we ultimately become unhappy. Why? The missing ingredient is balance. It is just how human beings are made. In order to be happy, your life must be balance. Otherwise your body and brain send you powerful signals, telling you that something is wrong. You see, your body and your brain are only trying to help you. The signals tell you that it is time to do something about the imbalance in your life or problems are sure to arise. Done in the right way, pursuing your passion can turn you on, it can lead you to new ground, and it can help you to realize your dreams. Best wishes! Sunder.thadani.


Sunderblogger.014 when one criticizes you, it teaches that no two people are alike. When someone breaks your heart, it teaches you that loving someone does not always mean that love will come back to you the way you want it to. Best Wishes sunder.thadani


Sunderblogger.013 In a society in which instant food, instant education and even instant cities are everyday phenomena, no product is more swiftly fabricated or more ruthlessly destroyed than the instant celebrity. Nations advancing towards super-industrialism sharply step up their out of these “psycho-economic” products. Instant celebrities burst upon the consciousness of millions like an image-bomb-which is exactly what they are. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.012

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.012


Saturday, May 24, 2014


Sunderblogger.011 We as human beings have power - not just to cause harm and create terror but to help ourselves of this seemingly hopeless scenario of doom and gloom. It might seem contradictory that people are empowered and empower others, merely by being kind and compassionate and not because they are overbearing, manipulative and unkind and force their view on others. A kind word, a good deed, a caring gesture, a warm simile, all these are like power kegs. Kindness and compassion spring from inner security whereas aggression and hatred come from inner insecurity. When our backs are up against the wall, positive inner resources come to the rescue. Sometimes they are invisible but in times of distress, they give us strength and help us emerge as powerful game changers Kind Regards Sunder Thadani

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Sunderblogger.010 Being hooked thrives on the underlying insecurity of living in an unpredictable world. We experience this insecurity as unease or restlessness. Wanting some kind of relief from this, we turn to what we enjoy, what comforts us. Perhaps it`s food, alcohol, drugs, sex, work or shopping. In moderation, these are delightful; we can appreciate their taste, their presence in our life. But we empower any of them with the idea that this will bring us comfort, that it will remove our unease, then we get hooked. And stay hooked. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.009 Heart palpitations, tremors, insomnia or unexplained fatigue may well signal overstimulation, just as confusion, unusual irritability, profound lassitude and panicky sense that things are slipping out of control are psychological indications. By observing ourselves, looking back over the changes in our recent past, we can determine whether we are operating comfortably within our adaptive range or pressing, its outer limits. Having done this, we can also begin consciously to influence it- speeding it up or slowing it down- first with respect to small things, the micro-environment, and then in terms of the larger, structural pattern of experience. We can learn how by scrutinizing our own unpremeditated response to overstimulation. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani from Mumbai

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Sunderblogger.008 In the next half century, with the world facing challenges and discontinuities we will more than ever, need entrepreneurs in all domains. Only entrepreneurs can turn these challenges into opportunities and bring about change that will take us into more sustainable and equitable era by 2050. Times may be changing, but opportunities are ample. While a new breed of young entrepreneurs is ready to take on the world, there will be lot of ups and downs. While the highs are the best highs one can have the lows are the worst lows that one can be victims of. Overcome those lows, because there were no lows there would be no highs. So don`t give us. If your first idea doesn’t work, try another. Seek the advice of your contemporaries, people who are a bit ahead of you as well as people who are bit behind you. Learn from each other and support each other. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.007a It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be loved: we want to be helpful, we want to show we care, but we may have little to give, are tired, overworked, or need alone time. Do you feel that if you aren't there for someone, they may reject you? Or that you're somehow obliged to help as it makes you a good' person, parent or friend? Do you ever feel validated by being needed? It's easy to believe that any time you take to relax or meditate is time that could be used elsewhere. But taking time out doesn't mean it is selfish or even wasted time. Think about what happens when your day is spent constantly caring for others. Do you get resentful, irritated, or even angry? Do you find stress building up? Does the quality of care that you offer become affected by that inner tension? Or are you so used to being this way that it seems impossible to imagine being any other way? You may even think you're not the relaxing type, or that if you do relax you won't be able to cope with all the things you have to do. However, by taking time for yourself, by lowering your blood pressure and releasing stress, you are immediately creating a more harmonious environment that can only benefit all those around you. When you take time out to be quiet it means you don't get so angry, resentful, or frustrated; instead, you connect with who you really are. Then what you share with others is coming from that peaceful space. When you are energized and feeling good you will be able to do far more than if you are dragging yourself through your day with little energy or in a bad mood.


Sunderblogger.006 Choose Your Options with Care. Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge. Which is the better option? Forgiveness is a better option for it is based on a proven formula: `save yourself`. Forgiveness saves you from distraction, it saves your time, and it saves you from creating more problems. Forgiveness could amount to an instant solution to the problem. In contrast, reaction and emotional revenge means turning the bad into worse, for revenge tends to worsen the problem. If forgiveness is buying time, revenge is just wasting time without hope of any positive result. “To error is human, but to forgive is divine” For the core, aren`t we all really divine beings? Best wishes! Sunder.thadani


Sunderblogger.005 Telecommuting is the new-age work mantra. Technology has made so many lives easier, and is constantly changing the way businesses are being done. Online text books, video conferencing, checking e-mail on your mobile phones, the list is endless. One such fast growing trend is that of telecommuting and tele-working. The basic equipment a remote worker needs is a telephone and a high-speed broadband connection. The technology like IP telephony allows telecommuters to send voice, fax and other information over the Internet. Best Wishes sunder.thadani


Sunderblogger.004 In order to impact society, our individual development, whether spiritual or material, must contribute to collective development. What good is individual growth and development if it remains inside the boundaries of our own skin? Wouldn't the world around us change dramatically if we turned our inwards orientation outward- and reflected our development through service to society? Best Wishes! Sunder T

Thursday, May 15, 2014


This is sunderblSunderblogger.003 Stress signs: (irritability, depression, heart palpitations, fatigue, compulsive eating’s, unexplained anxiety, insomnia and body aches and pains). Source of stress: environment (noise, pollution, world events) Our Personal lives (work, family, relationships, peer pressure, finances, social events, deadlines); our physical health: (illness, poor nutrition, ageing, injury, lack of exercise) our thoughts (negative emotions –anger, guilt, grief, trauma and obsessive thoughts), Results: Stress becomes a negative event when the situation appears dangerous, painful or unfair and we don`t have the resources to cope. Too many negative events experienced over a long period of time can result in a compromised immune system and subsequent health problems. Solution for managing stress (1) Practice physical and mental relaxation technique; (2) Eat a healthful diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains (3) Drink plenty of water (4) Exercise regularly (5) Laugh often Self-hypnosis is an excellent technique for alleviating stress-related conditions such as headaches, insomnia, nervous tics, nail-biting, anxiety and high blood pressure. Medication, visualization and deep breathing are relaxation techniques that help the body recovery physically and emotionally from the harmful effects of stress. You need a getaway form stress in order to recharge and retune your life. Best Wishes! sunder.thadani

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


A helpful observaton by the voilinist Fritz Kreisler, who was credited with the distinguished musical achievement that gave him rank as an inspired artust; "we voiolinist should not always be thinking of our place under the stars. We should think rather of what we have to offer the world, and in the offering remember that every single one of us has a quality peculiar to himself. I have often listened with pleasure o a quite ordinary violinist of no special gifts who, perhaps, has told me something that could not be told to me by the finest virtuouso. We, all of us, in music have our own special contributions to offer, whether we stand high or low on the ladder of what the world calls fame." Kind Regards! Sunder T.


Sunderblogger.002 Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues on the opposite sex- so much so, that these days, it just seem to make eminent sense to have a purely platonic girlfriend or boyfriend at the office work spouse, if you will. Having a work spouse is more than simple jokes and fun, as they are uniquely bonded individuals who can relate and provide blog support during stressful times. Even tough by pure definition, work-spouse relationships are platonic. It`s the latent possibility for hanky panky that makes relationship experts wary of such associations. It is too easy for any boy-girl kind of relationships to morph into a dangerous affair. Your comments are most welcome. Best Wishes Sunder T.


Sunderblogger.001 Subject: In Pursuit of Perfection All of us have some vanity. Vanity is nature`s insurance for self-preservation and to that extent it is a necessity. But it was also vanity that drove Snow White`s stepmother to act in a way that eventually led to her downfall. The transition from what is part of self-preservation to that which enables self-destruction is so smooth that it is difficult to separate self-obsession from self-preservation. Not everyone is vain about their looks alone, their vanity could lie elsewhere. Each one has something he thinks he is good at. Even ascetics have their share of vanity in their power of being austere or “proximity to the superpower”. The one who is vain about her hair is careful when washing it or brushing it. The one, who is vain about his house, takes pain to maintain it. Vanity is also the path to perfection, which is worthy goal to strive for. But sometimes life does not respect your vanity and an accident, age or even may strike at it. How then does one cope? There are two kinds of vanity. One is vanity of the spirit. That, one must guard against. The spirit has to be joyous, happy and positive. The other kind of vanity is that which is born from ideas and norms laid down by society. This kind of vanity is what we all often gloat in. Where you feel you have to improve, work at it. But where society feels you have not made the mark, make an indelible one with your vain spirit, even it takes a little longer to do so. Best Wishes! Sunder T

Thursday, May 8, 2014


In a society in which instant food, instant education and even instant cities are everyday phenomena, no product is more swiftly fabricated or more ruthlessly destroyed than the instant celebrity. Nations advancing towards super-industrialism sharply step up their out of these “psycho-economic” products. Instant celebrities burst upon the consciousness of millions like an image-bomb-which is exactly what they are.
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani

Monday, May 5, 2014


This blog is no.166. I there not an essential value in showing the common mean of human qualities, just as there is in the exercise of commonsense. Political students know that a statesman or a government cannot do abstract justice, which would be the ideal if it were attainable. They have, therefore, to tall back upon the middle course and to seek the greatest good of the greatest number. When Rajendra Prasad differed from Gandhi, and afterwards modestly adopted the Mahatma`s view, his original conclusion was not necessarily wrong.To put our qualities in another way, normal men are more nearly equal that is generally supposed. The labels that we are so fond of merely serve to enslave the mind. Kind Regards!Sunder T.

In India who are the people who control people? Few in the West have heard of Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India; yet Gandhi called "a prince among men". Whey was he in the shade? Because he himself willed it so. He was afraid of the noise of fame, and preferred to cultivate goodness in silence. Rajendra`s character eluded Indians, not because of his consistent simplicity. He was out shined by Gandhi., but he retained more the common touch in virtue of his possession qualities that are general to a greater extent among men than any of the supreme attitudes which we know as genius. Surely, few elements in a statesman can be more valuable than the sympathetic knowledge that this happy mean must give him. He was never too dainty to take human nature`s daily food. When we think of him and of his leader, Gandhi, w should remember that there is one glory of the sun and another of the moon. Kind Regards! Sunder T.

india_withoutmakeup.164- In India every knows about Kali. a pretty sight, to be sure. If Kali ever danced anywhere for the delight of the high gods, she certainly did so in India, the home of divinities known and unknown. Everything vital toppled  down, as was natural, while Kali tripped on fairy feet. Spiritual insight disappeared; intellectual acumen withered; moral probity was lost; artistic powers declined; humanism became sardonic; and the most precious of all human qualities, practical commonsense, deserted India. India become a wasteland where not a single flower bloomed. All was sand, sand and sand. But Kali is not merely the goddess of destruction; she knows how to create and re-create. From the very entrails of chaos she can pluck out unimaginable beauty. She flung on Indian shores Gandhi, who in a few years awoke the country and gifted her with the sovereign boon of independence. Having done his appointed task, Gandhi vanished into the unseen dark, leaving behind trusted lieutenants. Kind Regards! Sunder.T.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


In a society in which instant food, instant education and even instant cities are everyday phenomena, no product is more swiftly fabricated or more ruthlessly destroyed than the instant celebrity. Nations advancing towards super-industrialism sharply step up their out of these “psycho-economic” products. Instant celebrities burst upon the consciousness of millions like an image-bomb-which is exactly what they are.
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani

Friday, May 2, 2014


This blog starts as no. 163. The poignant truth is that the world has seen and continues to see no Mother India but what the past ill-fated millenium has done to her. Her head is full of noises; her nose is running, her lips are bruised; her face is pock-marked; her words come out in a prolonged bis or howl; and she emits an odour that might issue from a person who has not bathed for years. A pretty sight, to be sure. If Kali ever danced anywhere for the delight of the high gods, she certainly did so in India, the home of divinities known and unknown. Kind Regards! Sunder T.


This blog starts as no. 162

Thursday, May 1, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog-india_withoutmakeup.161

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog-india_withoutmakeup.161: This blog starts as no. 161- In India, there are many attitudes, howevr scared they may be, have to be drastically revised. There has to b...


This blog starts as no. 161- In India, there are many attitudes, howevr scared they may be, have to be drastically revised. There has to be a change in the Indian mentality, or whatever is planned will have its brief hour and then fade away. Our statemsmen are working heroically to improve the conditions of the common man, but is the common man being aware that he himself can change his lot by hard and still harder work? Today India is like a gaily decorated band-wagon. All the notables are in it; the driver, too, has the reins in hand and is anxious to gallop away to the farthest star; sad to relate, the wagon is without wheels and is stuck in the bog of a dead past. Kind Regards! Sunder T.


Sunderblogger.014 when one criticizes you, it teaches that no two people are alike. When someone breaks your heart, it teaches you that loving someone does not always mean that love will come back to you the way you want it to. Best Wishes sunder.thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.013

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.013: Sunderblogger.013 In a society in which instant food, instant education and even instant cities are everyday phenomena, no product is mo...


Sunderblogger.013 In a society in which instant food, instant education and even instant cities are everyday phenomena, no product is more swiftly fabricated or more ruthlessly destroyed than the instant celebrity. Nations advancing towards super-industrialism sharply step up their out of these “psycho-economic” products. Instant celebrities burst upon the consciousness of millions like an image-bomb-which is exactly what they are. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.blogzsunder.012

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.blogzsunder.012: Sunderblogger.012 In so many ways, our minds are involved in constructing the world we find ourselves in. Our perceptions and the concept...


Sunderblogger.012 In so many ways, our minds are involved in constructing the world we find ourselves in. Our perceptions and the concepts we hold determine the social reality we see and create. The very patterns of our thought influence how we interact with and shape this reality. Thus, our conceptions of who we are, the interactions and discourses that inform our thinking, and our experiences in applying ideas and ideals, all serve to define the parameters of social existence Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


This blog starts as no.160.

Indian worship money. Indians worship it because they think it is acquired not by intelligent labour but in some magical way. Being shirkers by nature, Indians like to think that others too are shrikers. Once Indians get hold of money, they stick on personal or family comforts. Indian wealth does not circulate

If Indians were to pool their resources, however small, and were to use them for productive ends, everyone of them could be richer year after year. But Indians do not do this, becuase each of them is fully convinced that the other fellow is out to trick him

India marches on, one step forward, and two steps backward. Where shall we end up? The progress we have achieved- and it is considerable- is not the result of the people`s efforts but imposed on the country from above. The mastermind at work has many assistants- at a price- and that`s all; there are no true followers among the vast multitudes, who are for the most part sunk in apathy or in ingnorance

Kind Regards!

Sunder T

Monday, April 28, 2014


This blog is starting as no.159- India`s great task at the moment is to infect the people with the will to toil, continuously and intelligently. Indians must be taught to use their heads not for carrying heavy loads but for thinking. The Anglo-Saxon is said to be a shirker of hard labour, but he is not only that; shirker he may be, but the fruits of hard work he wants, and he wants to improve his tandars constantly. What mean does he employs to achieve his ends? He uses brains and invents machines to do most of the trying and dirty jobs for him. That is how progress has been attained. The Indians have by-passed drugery, but wihout benefiting himself or his country. Are`nt we as Indians not entitled to conclude from his ways that he has put his intellect in cold storage? It is thee, but in a frozen, practicallyt de-vitaminised, conditon

Kind Regards!

Sunder T

Sunday, April 27, 2014



This blog starts as 158. There is a pecularity in an Indian. If he gets profits pretty quickly it is all right; long term views are not appreciated by hi. In the late war Indian workers were paid three or four times their previous wages. How did they respond to this opportunity? Most of Indians were in the factories for half or two-third of the month and absented themselves for the rest of the time. Had they not earned sufficient in fifteen or twenty days to give them the standard they were used to? The remaining portion of the month they spend in bed or in visiting parents and relations. As long as they adopted this attitude there was no room for improving their lot. And this lot cannot be improved today so long as the masses of India are unable to sustain their amition with steady work. Kind Regards! Sunder T.

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Sunderblogger.010 Being hooked thrives on the underlying insecurity of living in an unpredictable world. We experience this insecurity as unease or restlessness. Wanting some kind of relief from this, we turn to what we enjoy, what comforts us. Perhaps it`s food, alcohol, drugs, sex, work or shopping. In moderation, these are delightful; we can appreciate their taste, their presence in our life. But we empower any of them with the idea that this will bring us comfort, that it will remove our unease, then we get hooked. And stay hooked. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani


Sunderblogger.009 Heart palpitations, tremors, insomnia or unexplained fatigue may well signal overstimulation, just as confusion, unusual irritability, profound lassitude and panicky sense that things are slipping out of control are psychological indications. By observing ourselves, looking back over the changes in our recent past, we can determine whether we are operating comfortably within our adaptive range or pressing, its outer limits. Having done this, we can also begin consciously to influence it- speeding it up or slowing it down- first with respect to small things, the micro-environment, and then in terms of the larger, structural pattern of experience. We can learn how by scrutinizing our own unpremeditated response to overstimulation. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani from Mumbai


This blog starts as n.157- Being human, our Indian wants every possible comfort, for which he needs money, but he refuses to labour for it. However, to achieve his desire, he seeks to acquire cash by all sorts of questionable methods. Thus we have in this great land of India millions who are busy scheming how to transfer bank notes fromsomeone else`s pocket to their own; but hey never think of increasing the general wealth of the country by hard and intelligent toil. So What happens? Indi has no industrialists in the real sense of the word, but only speculators. India has no inventors either; Indians are content to copy, and that also poorly, as long as Indian can palm off their inferior product at a greater profit. You can find another peculiarity of an India. If he gets profits pretty quickly it is all right; long term views are not appreciated by him. Kind Regards! Sunder T

Friday, April 25, 2014


This is no. 156 in the series of blog under heading -india_withoutmakeup. In India the way regarding te tasks is unhealthy and anit-social. No domain of activity is free from it. India never strive for perfection. India seem to say that many lives are ahead of us for achievement, so why rush things? Yet Indians are always hurrying, but that is in the pursuit of money. To get it quickly without sweating in the least-how wonderful! Indian attitude to money is the direct outome of Indian attitude to work. If the latter is wrong, as one can hope how can the former be right? If a man does not work for full eitht hours a dayand does not produce to the best of his capacity, his returns, by way of wages, salary or profits, will naturally be low. No political, economic or other thaumaturgy can give him more for less work. This fundamental truth has to be driven home to every Indian and Asian. Kind Regards! Sunder T [wait for next no.157. Thanks]

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


This blog starts as n.155- Sometimes ago, in the West, specilization was looked upon as a meritorious acquirement; now it is realized that an expert in one domain cannot be a real export unless he is familiar wiht all that pertains to his subject. In India, however, the old attitude still goes on. Here an authority on a subject cannot see beyond his nose. His products rarely rise beyond the second-rate. Whereever there are exceptions, they are large men, masters of amy branches of learning, like C.V.Raman, the scientist

A German specialist in steel-making was sent forby the Government of India on a year`s contract. The planning officer had not marked out any work for him. After eight months, not even the foundation stone of the research insitute he was to organize had been laid. the man was compelled to idle. Tata-steel, seeing the situation, borrowed him to conduct some reaserches for them. In a conversation this expert said, "I am applalled at the Indian attitude to work. They do everything in a slipshod manner. Even the young scientists who are in training under me behave in this manner; they do not take pride in their job. If German steel mills were to function with this kind of peronnel, they would go bankrupt in six months."

Kind Regards

Sunder T

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Sunderblogger.008 In the next half century, with the world facing challenges and discontinuities we will more than ever, need entrepreneurs in all domains. Only entrepreneurs can turn these challenges into opportunities and bring about change that will take us into more sustainable and equitable era by 2050. Times may be changing, but opportunities are ample. While a new breed of young entrepreneurs is ready to take on the world, there will be lot of ups and downs. While the highs are the best highs one can have the lows are the worst lows that one can be victims of. Overcome those lows, because there were no lows there would be no highs. So don`t give us. If your first idea doesn’t work, try another. Seek the advice of your contemporaries, people who are a bit ahead of you as well as people who are bit behind you. Learn from each other and support each other. Kind Regards Sunder Thadani

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4livin...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4livin...: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4living.007 : Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4livin...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4livin...: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4living.007 : Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be...


Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be loved: we want to be helpful, we want to show we care, but we may have little to give, are tired, overworked, or need alone time. Do you feel that if you aren't there for someone, they may reject you? Or that you're somehow obliged to help as it makes you a good' person, parent or friend? Do you ever feel validated by being needed? It's easy to believe that any time you take to relax or meditate is time that could be used elsewhere. But taking time out doesn't mean it is selfish or even wasted time. Think about what happens when your day is spent constantly caring for others. Do you get resentful, irritated, or even angry? Do you find stress building up? Does the quality of care that you offer become affected by that inner tension? Or are you so used to being this way that it seems impossible to imagine being any other way? You may even think you're not the relaxing type, or that if you do relax you won't be able to cope with all the things you have to do. However, by taking time for yourself, by lowering your blood pressure and releasing stress, you are immediately creating a more harmonious environment that can only benefit all those around you. When you take time out to be quiet it means you don't get so angry, resentful, or frustrated; instead, you connect with who you really are. Then what you share with others is coming from that peaceful space. When you are energized and feeling good you will be able to do far more than if you are dragging yourself through your day with little energy or in a bad mood. So, rather than being selfish, such activity is actually the least selfish thing you could do! This is when saying no to others means you are affirming yourself. The power of saying no is that you are empowered! Best Wishes Sunder Thadani

Monday, April 21, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4living.007

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog.life4living.007: Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be loved: we want to be helpful, we want to show we care,...


Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be loved: we want to be helpful, we want to show we care, but we may have little to give, are tired, overworked, or need alone time. Do you feel that if you aren't there for someone, they may reject you? Or that you're somehow obliged to help as it makes you a good' person, parent or friend? Do you ever feel validated by being needed? It's easy to believe that any time you take to relax or meditate is time that could be used elsewhere. But taking time out doesn't mean it is selfish or even wasted time. Think about what happens when your day is spent constantly caring for others. Do you get resentful, irritated, or even angry? Do you find stress building up? Does the quality of care that you offer become affected by that inner tension? Or are you so used to being this way that it seems impossible to imagine being any other way? You may even think you're not the relaxing type, or that if you do relax you won't be able to cope with all the things you have to do. However, by taking time for yourself, by lowering your blood pressure and releasing stress, you are immediately creating a more harmonious environment that can only benefit all those around you. When you take time out to be quiet it means you don't get so angry, resentful, or frustrated; instead, you connect with who you really are. Then what you share with others is coming from that peaceful space. When you are energized and feeling good you will be able to do far more than if you are dragging yourself through your day with little energy or in a bad mood. So, rather than being selfish, such activity is actually the least selfish thing you could do! This is when saying no to others means you are affirming yourself. The power of saying no is that you are empowered! Best Wishes Sunder T


Sunderblogger.006 Choose Your Options with Care. Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge. Which is the better option? Forgiveness is a better option for it is based on a proven formula: `save yourself`. Forgiveness saves you from distraction, it saves your time, and it saves you from creating more problems. Forgiveness could amount to an instant solution to the problem. In contrast, reaction and emotional revenge means turning the bad into worse, for revenge tends to worsen the problem. If forgiveness is buying time, revenge is just wasting time without hope of any positive result. “To error is human, but to forgive is divine” For the core, aren`t we all really divine beings? Best wishes! Sunder T


Sunderblogger.002 Diversity at the workplace has led to an increase in interaction between colleagues on the opposite sex- so much so, that these days, it just seem to make eminent sense to have a purely platonic girlfriend or boyfriend at the office work spouse, if you will. Having a work spouse is more than simple jokes and fun, as they are uniquely bonded individuals who can relate and provide blog support during stressful times. Even tough by pure definition, work-spouse relationships are platonic. It`s the latent possibility for hanky panky that makes relationship experts wary of such associations. It is too easy for any boy-girl kind of relationships to morph into a dangerous affair. Your comments are most welcome. Best Wishes Sunder T


Sunderblogger.005 Telecommuting is the new-age work mantra. Technology has made so many lives easier, and is constantly changing the way businesses are being done. Online text books, video conferencing, checking e-mail on your mobile phones, the list is endless. One such fast growing trend is that of telecommuting and tele-working. The basic equipment a remote worker needs is a telephone and a high-speed broadband connection. The technology like IP telephony allows telecommuters to send voice, fax and other information over the Internet. Best Wishes sunder.thadani


Sunderblogger.004 In order to impact society, our individual development, whether spiritual or material, must contribute to collective development. What good is individual growth and development if it remains inside the boundries of our own skin? Would`nt the world around us change dramitacally if we turned our inwards orientation outward- and reflected our development through servie to society? Best Wishes! Sunder T


Sunderblogger.003 Stress signs: (irritability, depression, heart palpitations, fatigue, compulsive eating’s, unexplained anxiety, insomnia and body aches and pains). Source of stress: environment (noise, pollution, world events) Our Personal lives (work, family, relationships, peer pressure, finances, social events, deadlines); our physical health: (illness, poor nutrition, ageing, injury, lack of exercise) our thoughts (negative emotions –anger, guilt, grief, trauma and obsessive thoughts), Results: Stress becomes a negative event when the situation appears dangerous, painful or unfair and we don`t have the resources to cope. Too many negative events experienced over a long period of time can result in a compromised immune system and subsequent health problems. Solution for managing stress (1) Practice physical and mental relaxation technique; (2) Eat a healthful diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains (3) Drink plenty of water (4) Exercise regularly (5) Laugh often Self-hypnosis is an excellent technique for alleviating stress-related conditions such as headaches, insomnia, nervous tics, nail-biting, anxiety and high blood pressure. Medication, visualization and deep breathing are relaxation techniques that help the body recovery physically and emotionally from the harmful effects of stress. You need a getaway form stress in order to recharge and retune your life. Best Wishes! sunder.thadani


Sunderblogger.001 Subject: In Pursuit of Perfection All of us have some vanity. Vanity is nature`s insurance for self-preservation and to that extent it is a necessity. But it was also vanity that drove Snow White`s stepmother to act in a way that eventually led to her downfall. The transition from what is part of self-preservation to that which enables self-destruction is so smooth that it is difficult to separate self-obsession from self-preservation. Not everyone is vain about their looks alone, their vanity could lie elsewhere. Each one has something he thinks he is good at. Even ascetics have their share of vanity in their power of being austere or “proximity to the superpower”. The one who is vain about her hair is careful when washing it or brushing it. The one, who is vain about his house, takes pain to maintain it. Vanity is also the path to perfection, which is worthy goal to strive for. But sometimes life does not respect your vanity and an accident, age or even may strike at it. How then does one cope? There are two kinds of vanity. One is vanity of the spirit. That, one must guard against. The spirit has to be joyous, happy and positive. The other kind of vanity is that which is born from ideas and norms laid down by society. This kind of vanity is what we all often gloat in. Where you feel you have to improve, work at it. But where society feels you have not made the mark, make an indelible one with your vain spirit, even it takes a little longer to do so. Best Wishes! Sunder T

Saturday, April 19, 2014


This blog starts as no. 154- India`s main cause of poverty is that there ar too many leeches in the country. Nobody knows the count. There are thousands of sadhus, fakirs and yogis. Their name is leion. India`s beggers, widows, and disabed are many. It is an endless "and". It makes India the land of wretchedesst standards of life in Asia.No legislation can remove ths blot, but a revolutionary education that changes the psychology of the people. We must learn once again "the Gospel of the Dirty Hand". Indian have not understood the meaning of the phrase: "Work whie you work, play while you play." Indians invriably mix up work with play and play with work, so that they can neither play nor work will. Kind Regards! Sunder T.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


This blog starts as no.153. In India there are provileged beings. The truth is that too many Indian like to be like this. They have no objection, no scrupple, no sense of inferiority, to asking for alms. Amazing isn`t? Yet Indian are supposed to be very proud nation. False diginity has made Indians poorer and poorer, century after century. Instead of doing the job that is to be dne, they say; "It`s not for me. Let someone else perform it". So in the midst of so many taks to be accomplished in India, we find armies of idlers who cry: "give us money, we are poort." They forget tht they themselves are responsible for their conditon. Kind Regards! Sunder T

Monday, April 14, 2014


india_withoutmakeup starts with no. 152. India has been suffering from a confusion of ideas. This load she has never learned to carry lightly. It makes her stoop and stumble. Why be fincicky? Let it be said that India`s past us a drag upon her. It makes every movement of hers slow and ponderous. She is unable to go forwardd joyously; she is always looking backward as though some invisible toe were touching her heel. She is ever conscious of being tripped up. Indians for centuries have behaved like members of an old imporerished family whose one concern is to keep up appearances. They may no do this, that, or the other; they ae surrounded by a Chinese wall of taboos. they have fantastic views about diginity and labour. The lowliest Indian is fully convinced that a certain job of work is beneath him. He would sooner starve than take it up. Kind Regards! Sunder T.

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-life4living.140414

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-life4living.140414: In our life, we seem to assume and ascribe false identities. We tend to hold a person responsible for what he did, good or bad, when spirit...


"In our life, we seem to assume and ascribe false identities. We tend to hold a person responsible for what he did, good or bad, when spiritual wisdom says that we are not the doers; prakiti, the devine phenomenon behind creation, is the doer. Thus, we deify someone when he obliges us in a signicant way. On the other hand, if we are hurt in some way by someone`s act of commission or omission, we nurse an enmity against him". This what Kishore Kulkerni said in the peaking tree. Kind Regards! Sunder T.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Facebook Connect on Webs


this blog starts as no. 151. India`s orthodoxy is her stumbling-block. India has forgotten the nobliglity of the past, and us undable to learn what is noble in the present. India has the worst enemy of both Inidan unity and Indian social intgration. In order to preseve it own moth-eaten beliefs, India is trying to destroy the life-giving elements of her experiement. India`s problem is clear. Indian orthodoxy, the false keeper of her consecinece, mut, to use a Churchillian expression, go, or we are lost. It has made blood-brother destroy blood-brother, and has proved to be the greatest fratiricide in histry. Kind Regards! Sunder T.

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.150

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.150: This blog starts as 150. India needs a re-orientation of education along lines already known as social intermingling on the basis of equa...


This blog starts as 150. India needs a re-orientation of education along lines already known as social intermingling on the basis of equality; booting into the dustbin of taboos about food, drink and dress; the same economic oppotunities for all; an abolition of outward deistinctions (facial or bodily sings must no longer identify one as a Hindu, Muslim, Chritain or Parsi); and the seeking of similar ends, personally and nationally. India has to tell her people boldly that India has been a race of Rip Van Winkles too long; it is high time that India wakes up and remembered her star spangled destiny. All this is possible, especially as the increasing temp of industratlization is tending to break down isolation from community to community, family to family, individual to individual. The machine has become today a great force; it can liberate the intellectual from his drudgery and the under-dog from the filthy work that he has been forced to do for innumerable generation. Kind Regards! Sunder T.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


This blog starts as n.149-Talking about two communities, Hindus and Muslims, theinitiative must come from the Hindus, the prominet set, the torchbearers of Indiaism. Hindus should realize that they have the capaciy to squeeze out the essence of Islam and mix it with the stream of their thought. Hindus have to do here, with metronomic precision (or what is the good of India`s having a nuclear reactor?), what our ancestors did do effectively but unscientifically with Buddism. With one word, rightly pronounce by the right people, Mohammed can become an honoured member of the Hindu pantheon. If Hanuman, a jungle dweller, could attain the status of a god, why not the great Prophet of Islam? This is basic. The Hindus must evolve, like the Americans, a particular way of life. What will be the ingrediens of the new mode? Here is what you can with your mind`s eye. It is nothing of an Oriental extravaganza. Kind Regards! Sunder T

Monday, April 7, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-sunderinfo.070414

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-sunderinfo.070414: The traffice in Mumbai-Mumbai has been a laggard in stalling surveillance cameras to keep an eye out for rule breakers. and for using digit...


Domestic help in India. As reported in TOI by Ambika Pandit. Estimate say there are over 50 million. Mostly women are from Dalit, backword or tribal community. there are about 20 organizations representing worker across 15 states. A NGOs working with domestic workers ay trafficking in Delhi/NCR has grown over 10 years. "Many girls end up in exploitive circumstances and are treated as slaves. Placement agencies make huge profits and human traffiking victims never get salaries for their back-breaking work". Regards! Sunder T


The traffice in Mumbai-Mumbai has been a laggard in stalling surveillance cameras to keep an eye out for rule breakers. and for using digital survellance. This method is useful to issue challans with handheld devices and an online gateway enabling and facilitating electronic payment of fines. Mumbai has an average growth of 8% in vehecular population. Today, it has reached 2 crores from 15.2 lakh in 2012. Expected rise is calculated at 20.5 lakh very shortly. There are hardly 3493 traffic police personnel to monitor city`s 1,940-km network of roads.Any comment? Kind Regards! Sunder T

Sunday, April 6, 2014


This blog starts as no. 148.In India, Muslims have remained a burning problem. How to put them into the Indian melting pot and fuse them with rest of the community? Until that is done successfully and sweetely India shall not rise to full status as a nation. Ind fact, the way India accomplish this social mission will determine whether India is going to be tgreat again or not. The manner in which India is handling this problem cannot evoke the enthusiasm of a lover of his country. Indeed, India is doing for the Muslims what Jinnah at his best could not do for them. India is allowing Muslims to remain a seperate group, and what is infinitely worse, allowing their seperateness to flourish. As things are going, there will ever be two Indias in every city, town, village and street of India. the supreme task of India`s social statesmanship today is to demolish this division. Hindu-Muslim barriers must be broken down. Blood-brothers must re-unite, whatever they eat, drink or wear. What can India do? Next blog will appear as no. 149.Kind Regards!Sunder T

Thursday, April 3, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog-india_withoutmakeup.147

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sunderblog-india_withoutmakeup.147: this blog starts as no.147 Chritains and Parsis ae still close to the Indian psyche. Their Indianisation is proceeding aspace and without ...


this blog starts as no.147

Chritains and Parsis ae still close to the Indian psyche. Their Indianisation is proceeding aspace and without the slightest hitch. Girls who formaly prided themselves on frocks and hats which never really suited their physique are now beginning to look again charming in saris. The manfolk who affected heavy solar hats are now rushing to don Gandhi caps, thereby achieving a double advantage: people take them to be members of their own society and themselves cease to be prematurely bald. There definitely is much virtue in going native. The Indian English, as distinguished from the English English, have thinning tops or tops that resemble billiard balls. It is not easy to carry on one`s head the weight of an Empire. There is no greater hair restorer than a Commonwealth

Kind Regards

Sunder T

Monday, March 31, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.146

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.146: this blog is no.146 India is a strange country. The picture is different. People of same stock there have progresively beocme strangers to...


this blog is no.146

India is a strange country. The picture is different. People of same stock there have progresively beocme strangers to one another. Psychologically, they might be said to belog to different countries, to different civilization, to differnt centuries. In India, is a wonderful museum of living human specimens

The fault for this state of affairs lies largely with the Hindus. Hindu orthodoxy is soul-destroying. The day food, drinks and clothes captured India`s religious thinking, India lost all sense of proportion. Indian remain without poise and balance evern today

India`s bevaviour for long has ben shoking. A boy or a girl eating beef was driven away from his or her home and flug onto the desert islands of otherness. Outcasting was a passion with India. Gandhi was thrown out of his communicty because he had dared to visit such an unholy country as good old Albion, then the shrine of respectability. Hinduism, moved by some destructive impulse, has never ceased to be champion chuker-out. What is the result? India has culpably weakened herself

Kind Regards

Sunder T

Saturday, March 29, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.145

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.145: this blog is continueing as no.145 American industrial democracy, which has thrown the doors of opportunity wide open for merit, has broug...


this blog is continueing as no.145

American industrial democracy, which has thrown the doors of opportunity wide open for merit, has brought all the disparate groups together. Equal chances for all is the binding force of a united people

The social democracy of these people, except for the Negroes, puts the President and the workers in ovralls in the same category as fellowcitizens. They intermigle whereever they meet on equal terms

While in factories and in offices, they may be bosses or workers, but outside they are both citizens. The labourer does not cower before the top man, nor doesthe top man seek to make hisself important. A factory gir, outside of a factory, is so dressed as to bemistaken for a lady of high society

In fine, Americans do not carry with them the insignia of theri office. Whatever theri station in life, they are fellow-workers in a common cause-how to live better and better

This is only a small touch on some of the ways by which foreigners, entering the United States, become part oand parcel of the American scene. The pull of the country is so voilent that it quickly erases all alienisms.In the next blog we shall discuss India

Kind Regards

Sunder T

next blog will be no. 146


this is continueing as no.144

America, like India, has on her hands the problem of unadjusted communities. Being conscious of this and of its danger to her vitality, integrity and nationalsolidarity, she is strunggling to solve it. She has succeeded to some extent, but how? Her methodsare valuable for India

First, she has encouraged one language, English. By every means possible. Sooner or later, all immigrants begin to speak and think in this national tongue

Then, they have cultivated one way of living. Their food, cloths, houses, habits, amusements and other ways if existence are common to all and within the reach of all. They have no dispossessed classes. Not even the negroes are that; many of them despite their black skin, earn enugh to make the white man in Europe green with envy

Next will continue as no.145

Kind REgards

Sunder T>/p>

Friday, March 28, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.143

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.143: continueing as no.143 In India, it is ironical it is that Indian Muslims who in the bulk, belong, racially and culturally, to the Hindu st...

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.143

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.143: continueing as no.143 In India, it is ironical it is that Indian Muslims who in the bulk, belong, racially and culturally, to the Hindu st...


continueing as no.143

In India, it is ironical it is that Indian Muslims who in the bulk, belong, racially and culturally, to the Hindu stock- this is so of 95% of them- bave, by change of the religious cap, make themselves aliens in their own motherland. They have been tought to give loyalty to Mecca, when Mecca itself keep changing hands from time to time. What a position to be in both for Indian Muslims and for India!

England had to grapple with the same problem at one time. Happily, thee cam on the scene a man like Henry VIII, who overthrew the Papacy with the same case with which he overthrew his latest paramour. Anyhow, England did not get rid of her religious-complex until in the 19th century, when she ultimately gave the franchise to Catholics, Jews, and Nonconformists


Sunder T

Thursday, March 27, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.142

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.142: The emasculation of India,from which she has not recovered yet, progressed rapidly. Being worshippers of the cow, Indian were themselves t...


The emasculation of India,from which she has not recovered yet, progressed rapidly. Being worshippers of the cow, Indian were themselves transformed into holy cows. That hovine quality still clings to Indians. At international gatherings our speakers never roar, they always make sounds that remind us of lowing

When India had become almost grass-eaters, Islam entered. Indians had the capacity to absorb it (being stirct vegetarians), though sporadic efforts were made in this direction from time to time, so to say, "garden escapes". Think of Kabir and Guru Nakak and the lovely stream of musical mysticism know as Sufi poeptry. However, not being able to disest Islam, India tolerated it, but kept strictly aloof from it. It did not even matter to India, such as wealkings we had become, that some of our children were being coverted by this militant creed, whose felicities and futilities were equally ignored by us

Islam, then like certain communities in the United States, remained an unassimilated chunk in Indian midst. It is in India, but it is not of our country

Kind Regards!

Sunder T

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


In India, they Aryans had no trouble into their fold the Dravidians and other inhabitans of India. The later conquests were more ripples on the surgace of Indian society. The Greeks, the Scythians, the Huns and many other tribes were quitely digested

Consider the case of Mendander. He was a Greek by race, but he was in all essentials a Buddhist and a good Indian

Hindus have always been omnivorous, but at a certain time an enfeebling germ entered their bloodstreem and destroyed their reserve powers. Mahavira and the Buddha cannot escape responsibility in this matter. They turned a nation of he-men (who ate and drank everything copiously-beef, pork, mutton and liquors of various kinds) into a people of feminine psychology and temperament, afraid to touch meats and spirituous drinks. India become tender, of course, without knowing what to be tender about

Even when Buddism had driven away from India and its ideas incorporated into Indian teachings, the trapping of the faith of Sakya-Muni lingered in Indians, with such a tenacity that men began to be disinguished by the clothes they wore, the food they masticated, and the drink they swallowed

Kind Regards

Sunder T

Sunday, March 23, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.140

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot-india_withoutmakeup.140: Kindship in the past signified omnipresent genieality. The soverign, to be sure, had a personal reason, but, qua sovereign, he participated...

Saturday, March 22, 2014


-india_withoutmake us continueing as # 139-

India`s republican constituion has accepted a secular stte. What, in effect, does this mean?

Have India with a stroke of the pen abolished castes, creeds, and races in the country? Or is it India`s wishto let each and every faith flourish like the green bay-tree in spendid isolation?

India has no stte religion at present. The same is true of the United States, but certainly not of Britain, Italy, or Spain. Russia has done away with all old forms of belief, but has enthrouned in their place a brnad-new creed-Communism-which in some sense demands more fanatical allegiance than any knowncredo in history

Securism may a new concept to the West, but it has been practice by Indians for thousands of years. However, it was something quite differenct from what obtains with india at the moment

Kind Regards

Sunder T

Next will continue as #140

Monday, March 17, 2014


Sunderblogger.007 It's often difficult to say no because of the desire to be loved: we want to be helpful, we want to show we care, but we may have little to give, are tired, overworked, or need alone time. Do you feel that if you aren't there for someone, they may reject you? Or that you're somehow obliged to help as it makes you a good' person, parent or friend? Do you ever feel validated by being needed? It's easy to believe that any time you take to relax or meditate is time that could be used elsewhere. But taking time out doesn't mean it is selfish or even wasted time. Think about what happens when your day is spent constantly caring for others. Do you get resentful, irritated, or even angry? Do you find stress building up? Does the quality of care that you offer become affected by that inner tension? Or are you so used to being this way that it seems impossible to imagine being any other way? You may even think you're not the relaxing type, or that if you do relax you won't be able to cope with all the things you have to do. However, by taking time for yourself, by lowering your blood pressure and releasing stress, you are immediately creating a more harmonious environment that can only benefit all those around you. When you take time out to be quiet it means you don't get so angry, resentful, or frustrated; instead, you connect with who you really are. Then what you share with others is coming from that peaceful space. When you are energized and feeling good you will be able to do far more than if you are dragging yourself through your day with little energy or in a bad mood. So, rather than being selfish, such activity is actually the least selfish thing you could do! This is when saying no to others means you are affirming yourself. The power of saying no is that you are empowered! Best Wishes Sunder Thadani


In India, the problem is that o selection. Indians have rarely culivated this faculty. Indian thinking has generally been diffuse and diffusive. Now is the time for India to develop a gift for choosing out Indian experience. The whole world has before s; Indian have only to stretch out Indian hands to grasp what Indian seeks. India has continue to fmble. Wherefore? BecauseIndian has lost her innocence of eye. Names hypnotize Indians; Indians do not perceive what lies behind them. Indian must be, if Indian is to progress, free enough to be couragous and courageous enough to be free. India has to understand that knowledge is an arc that no one has yet completed; there is much still that awaits the enterprising explorer

Once again we must say to Indians; "Aham asti Brahma" (I am Brahma). If each Indina comes to believe in that "idee-force" of his race, there will be an unsurge of new confidence, leading to a fresh dawn

India has not yet discovered its true Indianess. An Indian goes about in borrowed plumes, cuttinga queer figure for the delight of all. Poor unfortunate being

Kind Regards!

Sunder T


In India, acting on the stage or for the screen is incredibly bad; it moves from clowing to swooning. The hero indulges in childish antics and the heroine, watching him in dazzled amazement, falls into his arms with a yell or a sob. Happilly, one producer of orignal vision has appeared on the scene; he is the Bengali Satyajit Ray, who is likely to astonish the worldmore and more. This is something to be grateful for to the gods; but one swallow, does not make summer.

India`s spiritual imprisonment continues. How Indian are going to get out of it? Not by dropping Westernism; not by going for illuminatin to the Red Paradise; not by rushing hither and thither, picking up unconsidered trifles, but simple by being Indians. Indians have a deplorable tendency to carry the bags of other peoples and races

Kind Regards


-continueing as #136-

India taint of otherness is unable to move. Indians are wearing caps that do not fit them. A singular exception was Aurobindo, who, having browsed in many fields of thought, never suffered from spiritual eructation. He assimilated everything and then uttered forth from a fuller mentality. But he was alone; he has left behind no heir to his light. The rest in philosophy is not silence, but an idle repetition of idle pomposities

India has had only two critics; the Buddha and Patanjali, bot of whom lived ages ago. Since those happy days the breed seems to have died out. Indian contemporary pedagoues and professors are truly pathetic figures, mouting with lofty airs the openions of other people. When they try to think for themselves, as somettimes happen, they give us nothing but learned squawks and squeaks

Kind Regards

Sunder T

Friday, March 14, 2014


This blog is continueing as # 135

In India, the music and dancing begins with boredome with its sickening monotony. It is the copy of the copy. What little newness is to be found in it comes from Europe, particularly Russia. Indian best exponents of the art are still the pioneers: Udhay Shankar, Ram Gopal, and Mrinanli Sarabhai, who have had the courage to put new life into the old forms

There is little freshness in our painting too: most of our artists are mere cameras, reporuding something from this or that land. Two painters, however, stand out: Amrita Sher Gil and Elizabeth Brunner, both miles ahead of ther contemporaries; but they are not Indians-one is half-Ungaraian and the ohter totally so. There is only on master: Jamini Roy, who is fast becoming a factory

Kind Regards!

Sunder T



india_withoutmakeup is continueing as # 134-

Indian practitioner of the art follows the work of Russian proletarian craftsmen, another, at this distance date, has discovered James Joyce, a third take the path of Thomas Hardly, localizeing himself to a particular district, without having the genius of the author of jude the Obscurea forth, a fifth, a sixth-all of them have their models. What Indians authors are getting are not organic growths, springing from the deep roots of life, but pasted oddities

No Indian piece of music is geniune expression of Indian present-day temper. Indians still play and replay the melodies that once enchanted their ancestors. The more the modern Indian changes the more he seems to remain the same. At least musicians like Ravi Shanker and Ali Akhbar Khan continue to reveal to us and the West the power and sweetness of Indian music

Kind Regards

Sunder T

What is Google Chrome OS?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Indian art, architecture, literature, philosophy, metaphyics, music-and other efforts of the spirit-are pallid imitations of westernism. ais there a single Indian poet who has broken fresh ground? Our brave bards are still copying T>S.eliot. Ofcourse, we have our obsecure minstrels too, but their fog is worse than the English smog. To what god they are mumbling they themselves do not know. Kind Regards! Sunder T [next will continue as # 134

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.india_withoutmakeup.132

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.india_withoutmakeup.132: india_withoutmakeup contineing as # 132 - Who left India two years older than we were? The British. They gave India almost the status of b...


india_withoutmakeup contineing as # 132 -

Who left India two years older than we were? The British. They gave India almost the status of being the children of the oldest civilization of the earth. Who discovered the wonders of Ajanta caves? Again, the British. From whom did we get an inkling of the Upanishads? It fell to the lot of a Frenchman, Anquetil Duperron. And who gave these masterpieces, then available in crude translations, world-wide importance? a German. Schopenhauer

Most of us were as;eep. A few, like Ram Mohan roy, were aware of the deeper realities, but they were voices in the widlerness. Even now, despite the laudable efforts of Dr. Radhakrishanan, we do not know properly our own past. The glories of the Aryan period lie buried, but the glories of the Draidian Age remain almost unsuspected, yet they are, as Steiner suggested, light-and life-bringing. So low India has fallen that instead of continueing alon the immemorial lines or breaking paths of India`s own, India, like little children, pick up anything glittering that foreigners flign at India. [next will continue as # 133]

Kind Regards!

Sunder T

Thursday, March 6, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.131

sunderblogger: sunderblogger-india_withoutmakeup.131: india-withoutmakeup -continueing as #131 - There came a time when India ceased to pub forth new leafage. Through her subsequent efforts ra...


india-withoutmakeup -continueing as #131 - There came a time when India ceased to pub forth new leafage. Through her subsequent efforts ran empty tintinabulation. Forms, devoid of the soul, were transmitted from father to son. And the end is not yet. For nearly a thousand years India has ben repeating the limitations of our ancestors. Individual thinking, a fresh approach, new discoveries, bold adventures have nt stirred India. India has been unremittingly chasing its own tail. No wonder India`s achievements, harring a few exeptions, present a picture during an entire millenium, of intellictual sterility. It is India`s Dark Age. Unfortunately, it is not yet over. In almost every domain on India`s activity India has forgotteen the fundamental principles of our past knowledge. Our glory, and to relate, India did not re-discover herself. It was the Westerners -British, French, and Germans-whorevealed it to India. And they revealed it to Inida only partially, because they knew no better. However, the work they did was beyond the price of pearls. [next will continue as # 132] Kind Regards! Sunder T from Mumbai.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


-continueing as no. 130 At one time India was the most original of nations; she fecundated the world with her ideas; her impress is to be found almost everywhere. Pythagoras owed not a little to her thought; Empodocles too drw freely from her treasure of wisdom; ever the divine Plato came under her majic spell. domocritus, Tather of the Mighty Atom, was pracically raised on her milk. Such examples could be multiplied and infinitum. A.E.used to say that Hellenism was but pale acho of Indianism. this is perhaps a peotic exaggeration, but there is no doubt that the Greeks owe much to ancient India.If we take the world country and examine each seperate adventure of our experience, we shall find in one and all some strands of our experience. This applies as to England and France as to Russia and America. You need not mention the Far East; our meditativeness colours much there. The Japanese, too, though fiercly exclusive and nationalistic, have felt our wichery-Kind Regards-Sunder T [next will continue as no. 131.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


india_withoutmakeup continueing as no. 129- In India, material has to be selected from the four corners of the earth and integrated with whatever we decide to retain from the old system. Then alone shall we have the type of the education that free India requires. In the chaotic world of today India is not a stabilishing force; in truth, we add to the general disorder by our own inner disorder. A re-orientation of Indian education is India`s basic need. When this has been done, individual, social and national discipline will come as spontaneously as light from the sun. Then India will be the land that Gandhi dremeamed of- a land where a free spirit will meet another free spirit, a land where there will be neigher high or nor low, a land where the words native and foreigner will be unknown. India has always tried to be herself yt open to all the winds of heaven. Today India finds herself at the mercy of various whirl-winds, and is in danger of being swept off her feet. She stands dazed, knowing not what direction to take. India might have been created by Pirandello: India is a character who has never found an author. Kind Regards! Sunder T