Sunday, April 13, 2014


This blog starts as 150. India needs a re-orientation of education along lines already known as social intermingling on the basis of equality; booting into the dustbin of taboos about food, drink and dress; the same economic oppotunities for all; an abolition of outward deistinctions (facial or bodily sings must no longer identify one as a Hindu, Muslim, Chritain or Parsi); and the seeking of similar ends, personally and nationally. India has to tell her people boldly that India has been a race of Rip Van Winkles too long; it is high time that India wakes up and remembered her star spangled destiny. All this is possible, especially as the increasing temp of industratlization is tending to break down isolation from community to community, family to family, individual to individual. The machine has become today a great force; it can liberate the intellectual from his drudgery and the under-dog from the filthy work that he has been forced to do for innumerable generation. Kind Regards! Sunder T.