This blog is starting as no.159- India`s great task at the moment is to infect the people with the will to toil, continuously and intelligently. Indians must be taught to use their heads not for carrying heavy loads but for thinking. The Anglo-Saxon is said to be a shirker of hard labour, but he is not only that; shirker he may be, but the fruits of hard work he wants, and he wants to improve his tandars constantly. What mean does he employs to achieve his ends? He uses brains and invents machines to do most of the trying and dirty jobs for him. That is how progress has been attained. The Indians have by-passed drugery, but wihout benefiting himself or his country. Are`nt we as Indians not entitled to conclude from his ways that he has put his intellect in cold storage? It is thee, but in a frozen, practicallyt de-vitaminised, conditon
Kind Regards!
Sunder T