Monday, April 14, 2014


india_withoutmakeup starts with no. 152. India has been suffering from a confusion of ideas. This load she has never learned to carry lightly. It makes her stoop and stumble. Why be fincicky? Let it be said that India`s past us a drag upon her. It makes every movement of hers slow and ponderous. She is unable to go forwardd joyously; she is always looking backward as though some invisible toe were touching her heel. She is ever conscious of being tripped up. Indians for centuries have behaved like members of an old imporerished family whose one concern is to keep up appearances. They may no do this, that, or the other; they ae surrounded by a Chinese wall of taboos. they have fantastic views about diginity and labour. The lowliest Indian is fully convinced that a certain job of work is beneath him. He would sooner starve than take it up. Kind Regards! Sunder T.