Saturday, April 26, 2014


This blog starts as n.157- Being human, our Indian wants every possible comfort, for which he needs money, but he refuses to labour for it. However, to achieve his desire, he seeks to acquire cash by all sorts of questionable methods. Thus we have in this great land of India millions who are busy scheming how to transfer bank notes fromsomeone else`s pocket to their own; but hey never think of increasing the general wealth of the country by hard and intelligent toil. So What happens? Indi has no industrialists in the real sense of the word, but only speculators. India has no inventors either; Indians are content to copy, and that also poorly, as long as Indian can palm off their inferior product at a greater profit. You can find another peculiarity of an India. If he gets profits pretty quickly it is all right; long term views are not appreciated by him. Kind Regards! Sunder T