Tuesday, April 29, 2014


This blog starts as no.160.

Indian worship money. Indians worship it because they think it is acquired not by intelligent labour but in some magical way. Being shirkers by nature, Indians like to think that others too are shrikers. Once Indians get hold of money, they stick on personal or family comforts. Indian wealth does not circulate

If Indians were to pool their resources, however small, and were to use them for productive ends, everyone of them could be richer year after year. But Indians do not do this, becuase each of them is fully convinced that the other fellow is out to trick him

India marches on, one step forward, and two steps backward. Where shall we end up? The progress we have achieved- and it is considerable- is not the result of the people`s efforts but imposed on the country from above. The mastermind at work has many assistants- at a price- and that`s all; there are no true followers among the vast multitudes, who are for the most part sunk in apathy or in ingnorance

Kind Regards!

Sunder T