Sunday, April 6, 2014


This blog starts as no. 148.In India, Muslims have remained a burning problem. How to put them into the Indian melting pot and fuse them with rest of the community? Until that is done successfully and sweetely India shall not rise to full status as a nation. Ind fact, the way India accomplish this social mission will determine whether India is going to be tgreat again or not. The manner in which India is handling this problem cannot evoke the enthusiasm of a lover of his country. Indeed, India is doing for the Muslims what Jinnah at his best could not do for them. India is allowing Muslims to remain a seperate group, and what is infinitely worse, allowing their seperateness to flourish. As things are going, there will ever be two Indias in every city, town, village and street of India. the supreme task of India`s social statesmanship today is to demolish this division. Hindu-Muslim barriers must be broken down. Blood-brothers must re-unite, whatever they eat, drink or wear. What can India do? Next blog will appear as no. 149.Kind Regards!Sunder T