Tuesday, March 11, 2014


india_withoutmakeup contineing as # 132 -

Who left India two years older than we were? The British. They gave India almost the status of being the children of the oldest civilization of the earth. Who discovered the wonders of Ajanta caves? Again, the British. From whom did we get an inkling of the Upanishads? It fell to the lot of a Frenchman, Anquetil Duperron. And who gave these masterpieces, then available in crude translations, world-wide importance? a German. Schopenhauer

Most of us were as;eep. A few, like Ram Mohan roy, were aware of the deeper realities, but they were voices in the widlerness. Even now, despite the laudable efforts of Dr. Radhakrishanan, we do not know properly our own past. The glories of the Aryan period lie buried, but the glories of the Draidian Age remain almost unsuspected, yet they are, as Steiner suggested, light-and life-bringing. So low India has fallen that instead of continueing alon the immemorial lines or breaking paths of India`s own, India, like little children, pick up anything glittering that foreigners flign at India. [next will continue as # 133]

Kind Regards!

Sunder T