This is a platform for light minded people, who wish to express their opinion suggest, or comment on any public issue. Everyone is welcome abroad. No bar for caste, creed, color, or belief. You may share your experience, adventure to all, and make this planet a worth living place, without any tension, voilence, and respect to other regions and human beings. Kind Regards! Sunder T - sunderkt at gmail dot com -
Monday, February 2, 2015
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Saturday, January 31, 2015
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: 2015.0131- Let `Hate` Go - Hating someone is like letting that person live in your mind rent-free. Hate is just an illusion created by ...
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Friday, January 30, 2015
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Monday, January 26, 2015
Saturday, January 24, 2015
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: 20150124: Life is..... Life isn`t about keeping scores. It is not about how many people call your every day. It is not about who you have...
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Friday, January 23, 2015
20150123: Law of Spiritual Love; When an individual passes from one period o life to another, a time comes when he cannot go on in senseless activity and excitement as before, but has to understand that although he has outgrown what before used to direct him, this does not mean that he must formulate for himself an understanding of life corresponding to his age, and having elucidated it, must be guided by it. I believe that such a time has now arrived, but that the inherent contradiction of human life has now reached an extreme degree of tension. This contradiction must be faced, and the solution will evidently not be favorable to the outlived law of violence, but to the truth which has dwelt in the hearts of men from remote antiquity: the truth that the law of love is in accord with the nature of man-Leo Tolstoy. Kind Regards. Sunder T.
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Thursday, January 22, 2015
20150122: All is Truth- There are really no liars or lies after all. Nothing fails its perfect return, and that what are called lies are perfect returns. And that each thing exactly represents itself and what has preceded it. (I realise) that the truth includes all, and its compact. And that there is no flaw or vacuum in the amount of the truth- but that all is truth without exception; And henceforth I will sing and laugh and deny nothing. (This is what is written on 22th January, 2015, by Walt Whitman in the newspaper known as DNA. This is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T.
20150122: All is Truth- There are really no liars or lies after all. Nothing fails its perfect return, and that what are called lies are perfect returns. And that each thing exactly represents itself and what has preceded it. (I realise) that the truth includes all, and its compact. And that there is no flaw or vacuum in the amount of the truth- but that all is truth without exception; And henceforth I will sing and laugh and deny nothing. (This is what is written on 22th January, 2015, by Walt Whitman in the newspaper known as DNA. This is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T.
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogspot
sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogspot: 20150121: Beyond Intellect- The logical intellect cannot approach dimensions of...
20150121: Beyond Intellect- The logical intellect cannot approach dimensions of the beyond because your logical intellect is unable to grasp it. That is why we are referring to it as mystical. Whatever we refer to an as the mystical has become mystical only because it is not within the grasp of the logical intellect.
Logical intellect is purely information technology. If you take away all the information from your memory; how will your logic function? It cannot function. A piece of information is something that you gather from outside. The only means of gathering this information are the five sense organs, and sense organs are not reliable, they are limited.
Creator is just pure intelligence. Intelligence beyond logic is what you are referring to as God. If you operate just within the limitations of your intelectual logic, then you will never know that which we refer to as creator. This is what is written by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in the newspaper, DNA, and is now reproduced for the information of the members of, "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T.
20150121: Beyond Intellect- The logical intellect cannot approach dimensions of the beyond because your logical intellect is unable to grasp it. That is why we are referring to it as mystical. Whatever we refer to an as the mystical has become mystical only because it is not within the grasp of the logical intellect.
Logical intellect is purely information technology. If you take away all the information from your memory; how will your logic function? It cannot function. A piece of information is something that you gather from outside. The only means of gathering this information are the five sense organs, and sense organs are not reliable, they are limited.
Creator is just pure intelligence. Intelligence beyond logic is what you are referring to as God. If you operate just within the limitations of your intelectual logic, then you will never know that which we refer to as creator. This is what is written by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev in the newspaper, DNA, and is now reproduced for the information of the members of, "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: 20150120: Why Gossip? - First of all, why do we gossip? It is a form of restlessness, is it not? Like worry, it is an indication of a restl...
20150120: Why Gossip? - First of all, why do we gossip? It is a form of restlessness, is it not? Like worry, it is an indication of a restless mind. Why this desire to interfere with others, to know what others are doing, saying? It is a very superficial mind that gossips, isn't it? -an inquisitive ind which is wrongly directed. The questioner seems to think that others are revealed to him by his being concerned with them- with their doings, with their thoughts, with their opinions. But do we know others if we do not know the way of our own thinking, the way we act, the way we behave? Why this extraordinary concern over others? Doesn't it offer an escape from ourselves? I think, first of all, we gossip about others because we are not sufficiently interested in the process of our own thinking and of our own action. This was written by J.Krishnamurti in the newspaper, DNA on 20th January, 2015, and is now reproduced for the information of "sundercircle" members. Kind Regards. Sunder T
Monday, January 19, 2015
20150119- Remember This: Life`s best pleasures are life`s simplest ones.
* Growth happens when you push past your comfort zone.
* Gratitude is the antidote to fear.
* Action is the solution to procrastination.
* Dream big, Start small. Act now.
* As you become more successful, become more humble.
* As I teach : "Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results."
This was written by Robin Sharma in a newspaper, know as DNA on January 19, 2015, and is now reproduced for the information of members, "sundercircle". Your feedback will be highly appreciated. Thanks. Kind Regards. Sunder T
20150119- Remember This: Life`s best pleasures are life`s simplest ones.
* Growth happens when you push past your comfort zone.
* Gratitude is the antidote to fear.
* Action is the solution to procrastination.
* Dream big, Start small. Act now.
* As you become more successful, become more humble.
* As I teach : "Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results."
This was written by Robin Sharma in a newspaper, know as DNA on January 19, 2015, and is now reproduced for the information of members, "sundercircle". Your feedback will be highly appreciated. Thanks. Kind Regards. Sunder T
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Saturday, January 17, 2015
sunderblogger: Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
sunderblogger: Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: 20150117: True Love- For true love to exist between two or more individuals. It has to be unconditional. Unconditional love means that we l...
Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
20150117: True Love- For true love to exist between two or more individuals. It has to be unconditional. Unconditional love means that we love someone or something without conditions, without expectations. A mother`s love for her child is this gold standard against which you must compare your love and see if you pass the test. [This is what PV Vaidyanathan wrote in the newspaper, DNA and is being reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards. Sunder T
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Friday, January 16, 2015
Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogpost
A Grateful Heart: Gratitude is an essential quality to access the empowerment of God. Our heart ti like a field, all our good qualities are like the seed. Our morality, integrity, spiritual practices, prayers and meditation are meant for watering the seed. But the fertility of the soil of our hear heart is our humility and our gratitude. Without being grateful, we con`t really receive. Real culture is base on the principle of gratitude. A person can never be happy in any situation unless he is grateful, But we should be as grateful for our failures as for our successes. We should be grateful for the dishonour that we receive as well as for the honour. Because we learn and grow from those experiences. Gratitude is the foundational principle for for all spiritual growth and the foundation for basic human kindness. This is what Radhanath Swami wrote in the newspaper, DNA on January 16, 2015, and is now reproduced for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards!. Sunder T
A Grateful Heart: Gratitude is an essential quality to access the empowerment of God. Our heart ti like a field, all our good qualities are like the seed. Our morality, integrity, spiritual practices, prayers and meditation are meant for watering the seed. But the fertility of the soil of our hear heart is our humility and our gratitude. Without being grateful, we con`t really receive. Real culture is base on the principle of gratitude. A person can never be happy in any situation unless he is grateful, But we should be as grateful for our failures as for our successes. We should be grateful for the dishonour that we receive as well as for the honour. Because we learn and grow from those experiences. Gratitude is the foundational principle for for all spiritual growth and the foundation for basic human kindness. This is what Radhanath Swami wrote in the newspaper, DNA on January 16, 2015, and is now reproduced for the benefit of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards!. Sunder T
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
20150115: Prayer Helps- How do prayers help us? You receive protection from the spirit world. Prayer is about you reaching out to the Creator. You have to ask for God`s guidance and protection. Without asking for it, you will not receive it. Even if something is good for you, and you deserve it, spirit souls cannot give it to you if you have not asked- they would be going against your free will. So make sure you ask God to do what is best. When you ask for protection, the healing energies that spirit souls send you, along with the positive vibrations of your own prayer, build a protective shield around you that will guard you from negative forces.
You will experience a solution to illness. If you pray with faith and sincerity, you will be surprised at its healing power. Medicine is important, but nothing in this earthy world can match the power of medicine combined with prayer. [This is what Khorshed Bhavnagri wrote in the newspaper, NDA on January 15, 2015 and it is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle"
Kind Regards
Sunder T
You will experience a solution to illness. If you pray with faith and sincerity, you will be surprised at its healing power. Medicine is important, but nothing in this earthy world can match the power of medicine combined with prayer. [This is what Khorshed Bhavnagri wrote in the newspaper, NDA on January 15, 2015 and it is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle"
Kind Regards
Sunder T
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Thursday, January 15, 2015
sunderblogger: Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
sunderblogger: Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XTML 1.0 Transitional//EN “html://”> <html> &l...
sunderblogger: Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
sunderblogger: Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: <! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XTML 1.0 Transitional//EN “html://”> <html> &l...
Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
India: Gender violence and discrimination is one of the symptoms of a social order riven by conflict, injustice and insecurity. While we demand justice and demonstrate our anguish, we must not lose sight of the broader, long-term goal; to create conditions where woman and men can work together towards a just and equitable social order.
Kind Regards
Sunder T
India: Gender violence and discrimination is one of the symptoms of a social order riven by conflict, injustice and insecurity. While we demand justice and demonstrate our anguish, we must not lose sight of the broader, long-term goal; to create conditions where woman and men can work together towards a just and equitable social order.
Kind Regards
Sunder T
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
In the next half century, with the world facing challenges and discontinuities we will more than ever, need entrepreneurs in all domains. Only entrepreneurs can turn these challenges into opportunities and bring about change that will take us into more sustainable and equitable era by 2050.
Times may be changing, but opportunities are ample.
While a new breed of young entrepreneurs is ready to take on the world, there will be lot of ups and downs. While the highs are the best highs one can have the lows are the worst lows that one can be victims of. Overcome those lows, because there were no lows there would be no highs. So don`t give us. If your first idea doesn’t work, try another. Seek the advice of your contemporaries, people who are a bit ahead of you as well as people who are bit behind you. Learn from each other and support each other.
Kind Regards
Sunder T
In the next half century, with the world facing challenges and discontinuities we will more than ever, need entrepreneurs in all domains. Only entrepreneurs can turn these challenges into opportunities and bring about change that will take us into more sustainable and equitable era by 2050.
Times may be changing, but opportunities are ample.
While a new breed of young entrepreneurs is ready to take on the world, there will be lot of ups and downs. While the highs are the best highs one can have the lows are the worst lows that one can be victims of. Overcome those lows, because there were no lows there would be no highs. So don`t give us. If your first idea doesn’t work, try another. Seek the advice of your contemporaries, people who are a bit ahead of you as well as people who are bit behind you. Learn from each other and support each other.
Kind Regards
Sunder T
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
Choose Your
Options with Care.
Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge.
Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge.
Which is the better option?
Forgiveness is a better option for it is based on a proven
formula: `save yourself`. Forgiveness saves you from distraction, it saves your
time, and it saves you from creating more problems. Forgiveness could amount to
an instant solution to the problem.
In contrast, reaction and emotional revenge means turning
the bad into worse, for revenge tends to worsen the problem. If forgiveness is
buying time, revenge is just wasting time without hope of any positive result.
“To error is human, but to forgive is divine” For the core,
aren`t we all really divine beings?
Best wishes!
Sunder T
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
20150115: Makar Sankranti (An Indian festival)
Indian life is closely linked to two energies- those of the sun and of the moon. The role the sun plays can be gauged partly from the rol it plays in physical creation- plants use sunlight to make food and in turn provide nourishment to all being on earth, the water cycle, the winds, the ocean currents all are regulated by the warming effects of the sun, the planets are held in their respective orbits because of attraction of the sun. It is the sun that brings the change in day and season. Makar Sankranti marks the day in Indian astrology when sun appears to enter the zodiac of makar (Capricorn). It is an extremly potent day, marking a major transition in energy. The science of yoga is a science of experience, the vedic seer had experienced the energies of the sun which provided luminescence and zest and so gave us the relevance of maker sankranti. This is written by Yogi Ashwini in the newspaper DNA, and is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! Sunder T
20150115: Makar Sankranti (An Indian festival)
Indian life is closely linked to two energies- those of the sun and of the moon. The role the sun plays can be gauged partly from the rol it plays in physical creation- plants use sunlight to make food and in turn provide nourishment to all being on earth, the water cycle, the winds, the ocean currents all are regulated by the warming effects of the sun, the planets are held in their respective orbits because of attraction of the sun. It is the sun that brings the change in day and season. Makar Sankranti marks the day in Indian astrology when sun appears to enter the zodiac of makar (Capricorn). It is an extremly potent day, marking a major transition in energy. The science of yoga is a science of experience, the vedic seer had experienced the energies of the sun which provided luminescence and zest and so gave us the relevance of maker sankranti. This is written by Yogi Ashwini in the newspaper DNA, and is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! Sunder T
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
2015.01.13- For the information of the members of "sundercircle"
Celebrate Milestones- Celebrating your progress along the way to your goal is
essential to staying motivated. I you set a goal that takes nine months to achieve
it`s hard to say motivated the entire time because there`s payoff. So build in milestones
to celebrate along the way.
If you goal is to lose weight, celebrate every two pounds you lose. If you`re writing a book, celebrate every 20 pages you write. If your goal is to book 35 speaking gigs, celebrate every 5 engagements that your book. Celebrating milestones keep you inner child excited, because it feels rewarded for all of the efforts it`s mine.
This was written by Jack Canfield in newspaper known as DNA.
2015.01.13- For the information of the members of "sundercircle"
Celebrate Milestones- Celebrating your progress along the way to your goal is
essential to staying motivated. I you set a goal that takes nine months to achieve
it`s hard to say motivated the entire time because there`s payoff. So build in milestones
to celebrate along the way.
If you goal is to lose weight, celebrate every two pounds you lose. If you`re writing a book, celebrate every 20 pages you write. If your goal is to book 35 speaking gigs, celebrate every 5 engagements that your book. Celebrating milestones keep you inner child excited, because it feels rewarded for all of the efforts it`s mine.
This was written by Jack Canfield in newspaper known as DNA.
Monday, January 12, 2015
120115: Happiness & Misery- There is a saying in Sanskrit,
There is no giver of happiness or misery. You can create your own happiness and you become miserable on your own. If you are sensitive and your intention is not to hurt anybody, it is good enough. But sometimes in spite of your being cautious, some people get hurt. Some people feel that anything you say is to hurt them. You don`t worry about it. They have to deal with their hurt. From you side, don`t use harsh words and be courteous and caring. This is what Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has written in DNA newspaper on January 12, 2015 and is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! Sunder T
120115: Happiness & Misery- There is a saying in Sanskrit,
There is no giver of happiness or misery. You can create your own happiness and you become miserable on your own. If you are sensitive and your intention is not to hurt anybody, it is good enough. But sometimes in spite of your being cautious, some people get hurt. Some people feel that anything you say is to hurt them. You don`t worry about it. They have to deal with their hurt. From you side, don`t use harsh words and be courteous and caring. This is what Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has written in DNA newspaper on January 12, 2015 and is reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle". Kind Regards! Sunder T
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogspot.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogspot.sundercircle: Sunderblogger.008 -120115 In the next half century, with the world ...
sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogspot.sundercircle
Sunderblogger.008 -120115
In the next half century, with the world facing challenges and discontinuities we will more than ever, need entrepreneurs in all domains. Only entrepreneurs can turn these challenges into opportunities and bring about change that will take us into more sustainable and equitable era by 2050.
Times may be changing, but opportunities are ample.
While a new breed of young entrepreneurs is ready to take on the world, there will be lot of ups and downs. While the highs are the best highs one can have the lows are the worst lows that one can be victims of. Overcome those lows, because there were no lows there would be no highs. So don`t give us. If your first idea doesn't work, try another. Seek the advice of your contemporaries, people who are a bit ahead of you as well as people who are bit behind you. Learn from each other and support each other.
Kind Regards
Sunder T
In the next half century, with the world facing challenges and discontinuities we will more than ever, need entrepreneurs in all domains. Only entrepreneurs can turn these challenges into opportunities and bring about change that will take us into more sustainable and equitable era by 2050.
Times may be changing, but opportunities are ample.
While a new breed of young entrepreneurs is ready to take on the world, there will be lot of ups and downs. While the highs are the best highs one can have the lows are the worst lows that one can be victims of. Overcome those lows, because there were no lows there would be no highs. So don`t give us. If your first idea doesn't work, try another. Seek the advice of your contemporaries, people who are a bit ahead of you as well as people who are bit behind you. Learn from each other and support each other.
Kind Regards
Sunder T
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle...: Sunderblogger.007.120115 It's ofte...
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Choose Your
Options with Care.110115
Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge.
Everyday in our life, we perhaps have some kind of bad experience, big or small. One has two options: either ignore them or react. The first option is a form of forgiveness, while the other amounts to engagement and in some cases, even revenge.
Which is the better option?
Forgiveness is a better option for it is based on a proven
formula: `save yourself`. Forgiveness saves you from distraction, it saves your
time, and it saves you from creating more problems. Forgiveness could amount to
an instant solution to the problem.
In contrast, reaction and emotional revenge means turning
the bad into worse, for revenge tends to worsen the problem. If forgiveness is
buying time, revenge is just wasting time without hope of any positive result.
“To error is human, but to forgive is divine” For the core,
aren`t we all really divine beings?
Best wishes!
sunderbloger: sunderblogger.blogspot.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
sunderblgger: blogspot.sundercircle
Friday, January 9, 2015
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Friday, January 2, 2015
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Saturday, December 27, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle: India: 15m elderly Indians live alone and close to three-fourth of them are women. One in every seven elderly person in India lives in ...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle: India: 15m elderly Indians live alone and close to three-fourth of them are women. One in every seven elderly person in India lives in ...
Friday, December 26, 2014
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
sunderblogger: sundercircle
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
sunderblogger: sundercircle
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Monday, December 22, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle: 211214- 1.The Perfect Human - What does it take to create a life that`s so excellent its unbelievable? The Perfect Human Respects Work...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle: 211214- 1.The Perfect Human - What does it take to create a life that`s so excellent its unbelievable? The Perfect Human Respects Work...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
Saturday, December 20, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle: 201214- Do not Judge: Judging others is one of our human weaknesses. We sometimes do this even withou sufficient evidence. We are often ...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle: 201214- Do not Judge: Judging others is one of our human weaknesses. We sometimes do this even withou sufficient evidence. We are often ...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle: 201214- Do not Judge: Judging others is one of our human weaknesses. We sometimes do this even withou sufficient evidence. We are often ...
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Friday, December 19, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle...: 191214- Spirituality is Serving: Service is the essential Spirituality. visit to the temple, mosque, or church everyday may or may no im...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Thursday, December 18, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle: 181214- Reading Divine Truths-The divine Truths are most grasped and assimilated when they are passed on directly to the aspirant by a li...
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle: Sunderblogger.004 In order to impact society, our individual development, whether spiritual or material, must contribute to collective dev...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle: Sunderblogger.004 In order to impact society, our individual development, whether spiritual or material, must contribute to collective dev...
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.suncercicle: 161214 A spiritualist. They do not take extremes. They are not superstitious, or sentimentalists. They don`t eat too much or too little, s...
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Thursday, December 11, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircl...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircl...: sunderblogger: sunderglobber: blogspot.sundercircle : sundercircle: This is for the information of members: This is an extract from DNA of D...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircl...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircl...: sunderblogger: sunderglobber: blogspot.sundercircle : sundercircle: This is for the information of members: This is an extract from DNA of D...
Monday, December 8, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderglobber: blogspot.sundercircle: sundercircle: This is for the information of members: This is an extract from DNA of Dec.08, 2014 under its regular feature - Achieve Epic...
sunderblogger: sunderglobber: blogspot.sundercircle
sunderblogger: sunderglobber: blogspot.sundercircle: sundercircle: This is for the information of members: This is an extract from DNA of Dec.08, 2014 under its regular feature - Achieve Epic...
sunderglobber: blogspot.sundercircle
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Friday, December 5, 2014
they do things. The
farmer goes to the city. The wife goes to work. You want to give thanks for
life so you burn a basket of food, or you light a candle, or give food to the
starving, there all personal choices.
You think File its all personal choice, religious or political. All culture changes over time because people change the way because you don't go to church, you have established a utopia of personal freedom. You go to work, people pay you, you buy food and feed your children and so does 80% of the population around you. Why not work a farm and feed your children or hunt and gather? You belong to this culture where people have faith is payment as a means of exchange. If you give up this faith, you will suffer social exclusion. Its personal choice, the same choice made by many people. It works pretty well, just as religion did in days gone by. But this capitalist life also has its dissenters and victims.
Both good and harm can be done when people come together to change the world. You think you stand outside religion but you do not stand outside of a belief system. Look at what you wear and look at what your friends wear, it a type of uniform, you live in a culture, you conform. If your ideas lasted a thousand years, others would be condemning you and your culture.
You want to point the finger of blame at religion as if it’s a set of rules that you now reject and call into question. You are not outside it; you are just expressing its core assumptions, trying to restore it to its radical self. If your ideas get any traction, you will just continue the evolution.
You are the blind leading the blind.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T.
You think File its all personal choice, religious or political. All culture changes over time because people change the way because you don't go to church, you have established a utopia of personal freedom. You go to work, people pay you, you buy food and feed your children and so does 80% of the population around you. Why not work a farm and feed your children or hunt and gather? You belong to this culture where people have faith is payment as a means of exchange. If you give up this faith, you will suffer social exclusion. Its personal choice, the same choice made by many people. It works pretty well, just as religion did in days gone by. But this capitalist life also has its dissenters and victims.
Both good and harm can be done when people come together to change the world. You think you stand outside religion but you do not stand outside of a belief system. Look at what you wear and look at what your friends wear, it a type of uniform, you live in a culture, you conform. If your ideas lasted a thousand years, others would be condemning you and your culture.
You want to point the finger of blame at religion as if it’s a set of rules that you now reject and call into question. You are not outside it; you are just expressing its core assumptions, trying to restore it to its radical self. If your ideas get any traction, you will just continue the evolution.
You are the blind leading the blind.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T.
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle.inner-truth
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle.inner-truth: Accept Good Times-inner.truth as mentioned by Khorshed Bhavnagri in dna on 261114, published for the members of -sundercircle. "...
sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle.inner-truth
Accept Good Times-inner.truth as mentioned by Khorshed Bhavnagri in dna on 261114, published for the members of -sundercircle.
"Always thank God for all the good that happens in your life. This is very, very important. If you remember God during painful times, remember Him during good times as well. Rejoice with Him. Secondly, thank those who have helped you in your journey- your family, friends and anyone who has helped you- even your angels in the spirit world. Understand very clearly that if you on the right path and something good comes your way, it is only because you deserve it. Why should you feel guilty? If someone else does not have the same blessings as you do, there may be a reason for it. By all means help them out and support them, but do not question the blessings of your own journey."
[Have a spiritual message? Mail it to in less than 250 words]
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.india4u
india4u: As per PwC report, India needs to Simply Rules, Develop Infra for 9% Growth. The $10-trillion economy target by 2034 can be within reach.The winning Leap, said that the growth rate and $10-trillion economy, which would generate 2 million jobs by 2034. This information appeared in ET on November 25, 2014 in Times of India, Mumbai edition.India could be the third-biggest economy in this scenario, behind US and China. Personally, I find unless the Indian mindset is changed everything will remain on the paper, neat and clean. Any doubt? Share you experience with- Sunder T - in Mumbai
Saturday, November 22, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.india4u
India will offer online visa facilities for 45 countries including the US, Australia, Germany, Israel, Japan, UAE, Palestine, Jordan, Thailand, Singapore and Russia.
this is the first time that electronic visas will be implemented in the country.
Countries that already have visa on arrival and will be able to apply under the electronic travel authorization (ETA) scheme including finland, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, and South Korea. (as reported by Himanshi.Dhawan in TOI of today - Nov.22, 2014).
Kind Regards
Sunder T
this is the first time that electronic visas will be implemented in the country.
Countries that already have visa on arrival and will be able to apply under the electronic travel authorization (ETA) scheme including finland, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Singapore, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, and South Korea. (as reported by Himanshi.Dhawan in TOI of today - Nov.22, 2014).
Kind Regards
Sunder T
Friday, November 21, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
Google says 100 million Indians will shop online by 2016. India country`s e-tailing sector will become a US $ 15 billion market by 2016, The facts are as under:
35 million- number of online shoppers in 2014
08 million - the number in 2012
71% non-buyers from Tier 1 and 11 cities say they plan to shop
online in next 12 months.
40 million- women are estimated to shop online by 2016.
65% of the buyers are buying for convenience.
62% - not satisfied with customer services
67% - find the current product return process was complicated and
55% - non-buyers say they have doubts about the products.
66% - of the respondents feel Internet speed is acting as a barrier to
online shopping.
0.5 mbps- Internet speed in India, against 4mbps in China.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
35 million- number of online shoppers in 2014
08 million - the number in 2012
71% non-buyers from Tier 1 and 11 cities say they plan to shop
online in next 12 months.
40 million- women are estimated to shop online by 2016.
65% of the buyers are buying for convenience.
62% - not satisfied with customer services
67% - find the current product return process was complicated and
55% - non-buyers say they have doubts about the products.
66% - of the respondents feel Internet speed is acting as a barrier to
online shopping.
0.5 mbps- Internet speed in India, against 4mbps in China.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.indiawithoutmakeup
Bengal, Bihar home to most homeless
As many as 4.3 crore families in rural India do not have a house, with West Bengal leading the table followed by Bihar in yet another evidence of the eastern region’s backwardness.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.
181114: J.Krishnamurti wrote in ET
You see the that most of us are in conflict, live a life of contradiction, not only outwardly, but also inwardly. Contraction implies effort. Wherever there is effort, there is wastage- there is a waste of energy. Where there is contraction, there is conflict. Where there is conflict there is effort to get over that conflict which is another form of resistance.
The more the tension, the greater the conflict., the greater is the output, and that is what we call creation.But it is not at all creation. It is the result of conflict. To face the fact that you`re in conflict, that you are in contradiction, will bring that quality of energy that is not the outcome of resistance.
Kind Regards
Sunder T
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Sunday, November 16, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogpost.Maharashtra4u...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogpost.Maharashtra4u...: Maharashtra. 161114- Big news in Maharashtra is that the new Chief Minister has decide to decentralize the power of of transfer in the go...
sunderblogger: sunderbloger.blogpost.Maharashtra4u

Maharashtra. 161114- Big news in Maharashtra is that the new Chief Minister has decide to decentralize the power of of transfer in the government departs. It will be implemented in the irrigation and Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The government has decided to make the licencing and renewal procedure under Shop and Establishment Act, Factories Act, and Labor Contractor Registration Act online. Now on all all employees of local bodies, public sector undertakings, corporations and Panchayat Raj insitutions to make their income and property details public every year.
This was mentioned by Shallendra Paranjpe in DNA on November 16, 2014. He is available @shallyaparanjpe.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
Maharashtra, India
Friday, November 14, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: How smartphones have changed the way we live: From social networking to trac...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot: How smartphones have changed the way we live: From social networking to trac...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
How smartphones have changed the way we live: From social networking to tracking our fitness, this gadget has pervaded almost every aspect our lives
Relationship: From social networking sites to dating.
Travel: From hunting for cheap flight tickets to looking for the best deals on bed-and-breakfast.
Popular Apps: Couchsurfing travel sites etc.
Government: Indian General election 2014 etc.
Entertainment: Average Indian spent about 2.6 hours daily.
Health: Fromm counting calories to measuring heart beats.
No wonder Indian market is growing at the rate of 55% per annum.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T.
How smartphones have changed the way we live: From social networking to tracking our fitness, this gadget has pervaded almost every aspect our lives
Relationship: From social networking sites to dating.
Travel: From hunting for cheap flight tickets to looking for the best deals on bed-and-breakfast.
Popular Apps: Couchsurfing travel sites etc.
Government: Indian General election 2014 etc.
Entertainment: Average Indian spent about 2.6 hours daily.
Health: Fromm counting calories to measuring heart beats.
No wonder Indian market is growing at the rate of 55% per annum.
Kind Regards!
Sunder T.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
There was a man who made his living living selling balloons at a fair.
He had balloons of many different colors, including red, yellow, blue
and green. Whenever business was slow, he would release a helium-
filled balloon into the air. When the children saw the balloon go up,
they all wanted one. The would come up to him, buy a balloon and
his sales would go up. All day, he continued to release a balloon
whenever the sales slowed down. One day, the balloon man felt
someone tugging at his jacket. He turned around and a little boy
asked, "if you release a black balloon, would that also fly?" Moved
by the boy`s concern, the man replied gently, "Son, it is not the
color of the balloon, it is what`s inside that makes it go up."
The same principle applies to our lives. It`s what`s inside that
counts. And what`s inside of us that makes us go up is our
attitude. William James of Harvard University said,
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings
can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
He had balloons of many different colors, including red, yellow, blue
and green. Whenever business was slow, he would release a helium-
filled balloon into the air. When the children saw the balloon go up,
they all wanted one. The would come up to him, buy a balloon and
his sales would go up. All day, he continued to release a balloon
whenever the sales slowed down. One day, the balloon man felt
someone tugging at his jacket. He turned around and a little boy
asked, "if you release a black balloon, would that also fly?" Moved
by the boy`s concern, the man replied gently, "Son, it is not the
color of the balloon, it is what`s inside that makes it go up."
The same principle applies to our lives. It`s what`s inside that
counts. And what`s inside of us that makes us go up is our
attitude. William James of Harvard University said,
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings
can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind."
Kind Regards!
Sunder T
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.
sunderblogger: sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.: As appear in the Times of today, written by Amazon plans it Big with India Post. With over 1.6 lakh pos...
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.
As appear in the Times of today, written by Amazon plans it Big with India Post. With over 1.6 lakh post offices through the country with the lion`s share of 1.4 lakh in rural areas, India post claims to have the largest postal network in the world, according to its website. On an average, a post office serves an area of 21.2 sq. km and a population of 7,175 people. (If interested, kindly read page 5 of Economic times, and get update on this issue. Regards!
Sunder T - Any objection or error, please contact: sunderkt at gmail dot com
Sunder T - Any objection or error, please contact: sunderkt at gmail dot com
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
Total population of Mumbai = 1,70,00,000crores (Kindly correct)
Mumbaikars live in slums = 41.9%
Households without roof =15.274
Population live in slums =9 out of 24 wards, 50%
Live in one room tenements =57%
Mhada and SRA completed =2 lakh units (bet. 1995 and 2014)
Under construction by above=1 lakh
Considering that the accepted norms while financing homes is up to four times their annual income, this is nearly 12 times that, thus making even this basic house way out of reach for most. "Affordable housing is one of the most important issues for Mumbai and its residents," said Nitai Mehta, managing trustee of Praja Foundation.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome.
Kindly send to sunder
Kind Regards
Sunder T
Total population of Mumbai = 1,70,00,000crores (Kindly correct)
Mumbaikars live in slums = 41.9%
Households without roof =15.274
Population live in slums =9 out of 24 wards, 50%
Live in one room tenements =57%
Mhada and SRA completed =2 lakh units (bet. 1995 and 2014)
Under construction by above=1 lakh
Considering that the accepted norms while financing homes is up to four times their annual income, this is nearly 12 times that, thus making even this basic house way out of reach for most. "Affordable housing is one of the most important issues for Mumbai and its residents," said Nitai Mehta, managing trustee of Praja Foundation.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome.
Kindly send to sunder
Kind Regards
Sunder T
Sunder T,
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.india4u
India4u- Distance Memories.01.050914.a
Kuldip Nayar told Jinnah that his moth-eaten Pakistan will not last more than 25 years,” reminisced Mountbatten, the last British Governor-General in India, on 1 October 1971 when Kuldip Nayer met him at his sprawling mansion, Broadlands, near London.
It was nine weeks before East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, cut itself asunder from West Pakistan; the two wings had hung like lobes on either ear of India since the partition of the subcontinent in the middle of August 1947.
Seventy-four years old and still with a phenomenal memory, Mountbatten was recapitulating a conversation he had with Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Pakistan`s founder, at Viceroy`s House in New Delhi on 9 April 1947 as if it had happened only the day before.
“You know, C. Rajagopalachari, the last Indian Governor-General wrote to Kuldip Nayer to other day to say that your (Kuldip`s) prophecy had come true, and Kuldip replied that he remembered that distinctly,” said Mountbatten to emphasize that he should not be accused of hindsight.
Kind Regards
Sunder T
Kuldip Nayar told Jinnah that his moth-eaten Pakistan will not last more than 25 years,” reminisced Mountbatten, the last British Governor-General in India, on 1 October 1971 when Kuldip Nayer met him at his sprawling mansion, Broadlands, near London.
It was nine weeks before East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, cut itself asunder from West Pakistan; the two wings had hung like lobes on either ear of India since the partition of the subcontinent in the middle of August 1947.
Seventy-four years old and still with a phenomenal memory, Mountbatten was recapitulating a conversation he had with Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Pakistan`s founder, at Viceroy`s House in New Delhi on 9 April 1947 as if it had happened only the day before.
“You know, C. Rajagopalachari, the last Indian Governor-General wrote to Kuldip Nayer to other day to say that your (Kuldip`s) prophecy had come true, and Kuldip replied that he remembered that distinctly,” said Mountbatten to emphasize that he should not be accused of hindsight.
Kind Regards
Sunder T
sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot
In day today life, personal attack is not only fashionable; the
thing never goes out of season. If I do not follow this then I am not fit to be
on the planet. There is different type of Jokers in the society [who hit with a
personal attack on you]. They are cheeky, without even knowing that certain
remarks or concern is uncalled for. You fail to understand, why some people are
so concerned about other people`s life (even it is a private life). Why they
take the liberty of opening their mouth on things which are not their business.
Like giving advice on health, money, appearances, etc. etc. I think people
enjoy hurting others and they just love it. Fallen on banana peel and other
people laughing at the scene is a good example. I think if a person`s own life
is busy, and fully occupied, there is no time to look into other people life as
to what they do, or why they do. Being oneself is the greatest thing and one
can be very happy if he is in tune with himself and go along doing his duty as
a social person and keep his private life private. Kind Regards! Sunder T [You
can always contribute few words. Your time and attention will be appreciated.
Thanks. Kind Regards! Sunder T.
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