Monday, December 22, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.sundercircle

211214- 1.The Perfect Human - What does it take to create a life that`s so excellent its unbelievable? The Perfect Human Respects Work. Work is a means to grow stronger, bigger and better. A job`s just a job if you choose to see it as a job. All work is a means to express your awesome talent, beat your fears and produce gorgeous value for other human beings. 2. The Perfect Human Adores Family At the end, few things matter more than how well you loved those who love you. I adore my work. But even more, I adore, I adore my family. 3. The Perfect Human Savours Life. Albert Camus said it 10,000x better than I could on my best day: Live to The Point of Tears. TPH feels life, both the blessings and the sufferings. They all contain an ordinal form of utter beauty. This is what Robin sharma wrote in DNA on December 21, 2014. This is only for the information of the members. The author is the founder of Sharma International Inc. (SLI), a global consultancy. Kind Regards! Sunder T