Friday, December 19, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot.sundercircle

191214- Spirituality is Serving: Service is the essential Spirituality. visit to the temple, mosque, or church everyday may or may no imply spirituality depending on the innermost intention of the person involved, but serving others a pure and seeking heart is true spirituality. Often people may skip going to church or to the temple and instead go to serve at an orphanage or help the needy on a Sunday. These are truly spiritual acts. It is often difficult for people to share their possessions (because of various reasons), yet doing so requires a courage which is akin to genuine spiritual courage. People everywhere should be encouraged to share their money and time with the less fortunate. Yet, if this is done for the sake of fame and for showing-off, then the purpose and intent of Spirituality is contradicted. [This is was Sanjana Antony wrote in DNA of December 19, 2014 and now reproduced for the information of the members of "sundercircle. Kind Regards! Sunder T