Friday, December 26, 2014


At the heart of Christmas is the message of "Peace on earth, goodwill to men" which evokes feelings of hope, kindness and benevolence- a sense of neighbourliness. It concurs with Jesus` directive to love our neighbours, even our enemies This seemingly difficult task becomes easy when we follow the Golden Rule from the Bible: "Treat other people exactly as you would like to be treated by them." This Rule demands pro-active loving and caring, not just fraining from negative behaviour. Our motives and act are then impelled by "the sweet amenities of (divine) Love.... in true brotherliness, charitableness, and forgiveness." writes Mary Baker Eddy. The result is unconditional love devoid of self-righteousness. There`s and additional benefit- new research reports that having goodwill to others actually makes your heart healthy. So express the heart of Christmas every day and experience the healing of heart, mind, body and soul- Annu Mattal. This is for information of members of sundercircle only (reproduced from DNA of 25th December, 2014. Kind Regards! Sunder T