Wednesday, November 12, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.blogspot

Sunder T
Total population of Mumbai = 1,70,00,000crores (Kindly correct)
Mumbaikars live in slums   =  41.9%
Households without roof     =15.274
Population live in slums      =9 out of 24 wards, 50%
Live in one room tenements =57%
Mhada and SRA completed  =2 lakh units (bet. 1995 and 2014)
Under construction by above=1 lakh
Considering that the accepted norms while financing homes is up to four times their annual income, this is nearly 12 times that, thus making even this basic house way out of reach for most. "Affordable housing is one of the most important issues for Mumbai and its residents," said Nitai Mehta, managing trustee of Praja Foundation.
Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome.
Kindly send to sunder
Kind Regards
Sunder T