Wednesday, November 26, 2014

sunderblogger: blogspot.sundercircle.inner-truth

Accept Good Times-inner.truth as mentioned by Khorshed Bhavnagri in dna on 261114, published for the members of -sundercircle.

"Always thank God for all the good that happens in your life. This is very, very important. If you remember God during painful times, remember Him during good times as well. Rejoice with Him. Secondly, thank those  who have helped you in your journey- your family, friends and anyone who has helped you- even your angels in the spirit world. Understand very clearly that if you on the right path and something good comes your way, it is only because you deserve it. Why should you feel guilty? If someone else does not have the same blessings as you do, there may be a reason for it. By all means help them out and support them, but do not question the blessings of your own journey."
[Have a spiritual message? Mail it to in less than 250 words]
Kind Regards!
Sunder T