Tuesday, November 4, 2014

sunderblogger: sunderblogger.india4u

India4u- Distance Memories.01.050914.a
Kuldip Nayar told Jinnah that his moth-eaten Pakistan will not last more than 25 years,” reminisced Mountbatten, the last British Governor-General in India, on 1 October 1971 when Kuldip Nayer met  him at his sprawling mansion, Broadlands, near London.
It was nine weeks before East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, cut itself asunder from West Pakistan; the two wings had hung like lobes on either ear of India since the partition of the subcontinent in the middle of August 1947.
Seventy-four years old and still with a phenomenal memory, Mountbatten was recapitulating a conversation he had with Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Pakistan`s founder, at Viceroy`s House in New Delhi on 9 April 1947 as if it had happened only the day before.
“You know, C. Rajagopalachari, the last Indian Governor-General wrote to Kuldip Nayer to other day to say that your (Kuldip`s)  prophecy had come true, and Kuldip replied that he remembered that distinctly,” said Mountbatten to emphasize that he should not be accused of hindsight.
Kind Regards
Sunder Thttp://sundercircle.wordpress.com/