In day today life, personal attack is not only fashionable; the
thing never goes out of season. If I do not follow this then I am not fit to be
on the planet. There is different type of Jokers in the society [who hit with a
personal attack on you]. They are cheeky, without even knowing that certain
remarks or concern is uncalled for. You fail to understand, why some people are
so concerned about other people`s life (even it is a private life). Why they
take the liberty of opening their mouth on things which are not their business.
Like giving advice on health, money, appearances, etc. etc. I think people
enjoy hurting others and they just love it. Fallen on banana peel and other
people laughing at the scene is a good example. I think if a person`s own life
is busy, and fully occupied, there is no time to look into other people life as
to what they do, or why they do. Being oneself is the greatest thing and one
can be very happy if he is in tune with himself and go along doing his duty as
a social person and keep his private life private. Kind Regards! Sunder T [You
can always contribute few words. Your time and attention will be appreciated.
Thanks. Kind Regards! Sunder T.